18-1Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Chapter 18 Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Personal Selling
18-2Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall What is Public Relations? Public Relations (PR) attempts to influence the way consumers, stockholders, and other publics feel about companies, brands, politicians, celebrities, or not-for-profit organizations. Public Relations (PR) attempts to influence the way consumers, stockholders, and other publics feel about companies, brands, politicians, celebrities, or not-for-profit organizations. PR messages are more credible than if the same information appeared in a paid advertisement. PR messages are more credible than if the same information appeared in a paid advertisement.
18-3Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Public Relations n n Publicity is unpaid communication about an organization that appears in the mass media. – – It can build interest in a product. – – It can create awareness about an event. n n PR is also important when the company’s image is at risk due to product tampering or other mishap.
18-4Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Introducing New Products to Manufacturers Introducing New Products to Manufacturers Introducing New Products to Consumers Introducing New Products to Consumers Influencing Government Legislation Influencing Government Legislation Enhancing the Image of a City, Region, or Country Enhancing the Image of a City, Region, or Country Calling Attention to a Firm’s Involvement with the Community Calling Attention to a Firm’s Involvement with the Community Objectives of Public Relations
18-5Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Planning a Public Relations Campaign Must Include a Statement of the Problem Must Include a Statement of the Problem Step 1. Developing Objectives Must Define the Message the Company Wants People to Hear. Step 1. Developing Objectives Must Define the Message the Company Wants People to Hear. Must Include a Situation Analysis Must Include a Situation Analysis
18-6Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Specification of the target audiences (publics) Specification of the Messages to be Communicated Specification of the Program Elements to be Used Step 2. Execution of the Campaign Step 2. Execution of the Campaign Planning a Public Relations Campaign Timetable and Budget
18-7Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Planning a Public Relations Campaign n n Press releases are information distributed to the media by an organization about its activities, intended to appear as publicity. n n Some common types are: – – Timely topics, – – Research stories, – – Consumer information.
18-8Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall
18-9Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall What is Sales Promotion? Sales Promotions are programs designed to build interest in or encourage purchase of a product Sales Promotions are programs designed to build interest in or encourage purchase of a product during a specified time period. during a specified time period. Tend to focus on short-term objectives such as an immediate boost in sales. Tend to focus on short-term objectives such as an immediate boost in sales.
18-10Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Targeted to Channel Partners and to the Firm’s Own Employees. Discounts and Deals Industry Boosting and Boasting Merchandise Allowance Case Allowance Trade Shows Promotional Products Incentive Programs Trade Promotions
18-11Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Attracting Consumers With Price Breaks Attention-Getting Consumer Promotions Coupons Price Deals Refunds Rebates Special Packs Contests Sweepstakes Premiums Sampling Point-of-Purchase Promotion Consumer Promotions
18-12Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall What is Personal Selling? Personal Selling occurs when a company representative comes in direct contact with a customer in order to inform a client about a good or service to get a sale. Personal Selling occurs when a company representative comes in direct contact with a customer in order to inform a client about a good or service to get a sale. Especially important for business-to- business marketers since products and services are complex and expensive. Especially important for business-to- business marketers since products and services are complex and expensive.
18-13Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Different Roles Salespeople Perform Order Taker Missionary Salesperson Missionary Salesperson Order Getter Types of Salespeople
18-14Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Relationship Selling Transactional Selling Approaches to Personal Selling Focus on a Relationship With the Customer Lesser Greater
18-15Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Steps in the Creative Selling Process (Fig. 18.1)
18-16Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Setting Sales Force Objectives Setting Sales Force Objectives Creating a Sales Force Strategy Recruiting, Training, and Rewarding Salespeople Recruiting, Training, and Rewarding Salespeople Major Decisions in Sales Management
18-17Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Chapter Summary n Explain the role of public relations and its function. n Describe the steps in developing a public relations campaign. n Explain what sales promotion is and describe some of the different types of trade and consumer sales promotion activities. n Explain the important role of personal selling in the marketing effort. n List the steps in the creative selling process. n Explain the job of the sales manager.