Recommendations on Maximizing the Positive Synergies from the interactions between Health Systems Strengthening and disease specific Global Health Initiatives Suwit Wibulpolprasert Salif Samake Co-chairs Implementer Consortium Maximizing Positive Synergies
The aim - How can disease specific Global Health Initiatives and Country Health Systems optimize their interactions to achieve their common goal of improving health outcomes? - How can Health Systems be strengthened to support the achievements of disease specific GHIs targets
The road to the recommendations – Establishment of the Implementers Consortium September 2008 – Academic and Civil Society consortia's work August 2008 – June 2009 – Consultations November 2008 – June 2009 – Implementers Consortium Meeting January, April and May 2009 – High Level Dialogue in Venice June 2009 – Finalized recommendations and advocacy
The recommendations –Be V ery Bold –Set E numerable targets –Enhance N ational leadership – I mprove Evidence – C ommunities E ngagements VENICE Recommendations
Be Very Bold - Reduce self towards love, trust and solidarity – disease specific GHIs and HSS - More health investment – Development partners and governments; both on disease specific GHIs and HSS - More cost-effective investment – PHC based HSS
Set Enumerable Targets for HSS - Agreement on indicators for each building block of the HS – HRH, service delivery, financing, governance, health information, supply management, etc. - Set Enumerable targets including targets on community engagement - Make national health information systems strong enough to inform the progresses of the agreed targets
Enhance National leadership - Sustainable National leadership : - leadership - HP/HS research and policy formulation - Management and implementation capacity - Participatory, Accountable and Transparent Governing structures – all level - Focus on single consolidated National Health Development Plan – 3 Ones or IHP++++ or etc
Improve evidence - Assess situation formulate a national development plan on HIS based on HMN framework, and also on the HSR, based on multi- sectoral involvement. - Concrete and adequate investment to build long term sustainable national capacity on HIS and HSR - Link the evidences to the set targets and the policy decision processes
Communities Engagement – at all levels - Capacity building of community and civil society organizations – the right ones not the opportunists - Engage them in the governing structures at all levels - Decentralization and ownership by communities
Implementing the recommendations International partners - Shared accountability on their prior commitments - Stop fighting and competition and move towards co-petition - harmonization among partners based on trust based relationship - Needs assessment and agreement on comparative advantages -
Implementing the recommendations National policy makers - build up strong and sustainable leadership to be able to deliver their commitments - Increased domestic health funding – 15% of national public spending on health - Supportive policy environment and accountability
Implementing the recommendations Programme managers - Building sustainable management capacity - Coordinated and unified response among programmes, GHIs and HSS - Create common monitoring systems
Implementing the recommendations Communities - Drive ambitious HSS agenda - Expand role of communities in health service delivery – brain, bark and Bite - Engagement in the governing structures at all levels.
Implementing the recommendations Researchers - Be a comprehensive brain to HSS and GHIs - Define and cost a long term HS research agenda - Develop rigours methods to investigate interactions between HS and GHIs
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