Features and Benefits will vary by state1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company New York, NY Agent training use only—Not to be used with general public LD#0501D3K8(exp0106MLIC-LD VIP2 Policy Series Introduction Long-Term Care Insurance
Features and Benefits will vary by state2 MetLife LTCI - Current and Future MetLife is and will continue to be a “thought leader” in the LTCI marketplace Rate stability over time is our #1 continued goal The VIP2 Product series reflects changes in pricing assumptions and introduces the product enhancements that keep our product competitive
Features and Benefits will vary by state3 Financial Strength and Stability- $375+ Billion in 3 Billion reserved for LTC claims Name Recognition-”Snoopy” Commitment to LTCi Market: TIAA/CREFF, AARP, Federal, Group, Individual (fastest growing) Product Offerings-flexible Service- Local MGA’s & regional staff Nurse Care Coordinators on staff Why MetLife ? “MetLife Wants Your Long-Term Care Insurance Business”
Features and Benefits will vary by state4 The VIP2 Series Value Plan : Provides a good basic level of coverage to consumers who do not need or want added features Ideal Plan : For majority of consumers - A comparable product with added features Premier Plan : Cash Payment - high end clients that want to decide where to spend benefit dollars
Features and Benefits will vary by state5 The Value Plan Daily Reimbursement (Indemnity Rider can be added) Home Care: 50%,75% or 100% of NH Benefit Assisted Living Covered at HHC Level Includes: Caregiver Training, Respite Care, All Riders, All Payment Options & Discounts Elimination Period: Days of Service
Features and Benefits will vary by state6 The Ideal Plan Monthly Reimbursement-pool of money Assisted Living Covered at NH Level Home Care: 50%, 75% or 100% of NH Benefit Includes: Transition Expense, Supportive Services (n/a CA), All Riders except Indemnity, All Payment Options & Discounts Elimination Period: Days of Service
Features and Benefits will vary by state7 The Premier Plan Cash = Most Freedom of Choice Home Care: 50%, 75% or 100% of Facilities Benefit Per Diem Benefit: Paid out monthly Proof of Covered Services: Not Required Elimination Period: Based on Calendar Days Seven year max BP
Features and Benefits will vary by state8 Product Highlights Basic Features found in all plans International Coverage –Per Diem Benefit (in all policies) Caregiver Training - (Value, Ideal & Facilities-Only) Bed Reservation- 50 days-Use for any reason
Features and Benefits will vary by state9 Product Highlights Riders: Survivorship Return of Premium Shared Care Calendar Day Home Care Elimination Period Waiver Indemnity (Value Plan only) COLA’s- 5% simple & compound & FPO
Features and Benefits will vary by state10 Riders: Survivorship Rider –Rider available on all Plans –Identical coverage not required –Can be purchased at any time by Spouses/Domestic Partners –Paid up at death of Spouse in Year 11 or later; if no claims paid Years 1-10 from Rider effective date –Premium is 9% of base rate
Features and Benefits will vary by state11 Calendar Day Rider (Value & Ideal Policies Only) Changes Home and Community Care Elimination Period from Service Days to Calendar Days once you are Chronically Ill. Supplemental Benefit = 50 times NH DBA - payment reduces TLB. No Elimination Period Rider must be purchased at initial application Cannot be purchased with Home Care Elimination Period Waiver Rider Premium is 7% of base rate (w/ any EP)
Features and Benefits will vary by state12 Home Care Elimination Period (EP) Waiver Rider (Value & Ideal Policies Only) Waives Elimination Period for Home and Community Care Days that Home Care is received count toward satisfying the Facility Care Elimination Period (even if Home Care benefits paid) Supplemental Benefit = 50 times NH DBA - payment reduces TLB. No Elimination Period Rider must be purchased at initial application Cannot be purchased with Calendar Day Rider Premium is 17% of base rate (w/any EP)
Features and Benefits will vary by state13 “Domestic Partners” VIP2 Definition Spouse & Marital discounts, Survivorship Option and Shared Care option available to “Domestic Partners” VIP2 Definition of “Domestic Partners”: – Two people who:: Are registered or filed as domestic partners/ civil union with a government agency or office where registration is available. – OR two people who meet ALL of these requirements: 18 years of age or older; and Neither person is married; and They share the same residence;and Are not related by blood or a manner barring marriage in the jurisdiction; and Have an exclusive mutual commitment to share responsibility for each other’s welfare and financial obligations and such commitment is expected to last indefinitely
Features and Benefits will vary by state14 Policy Effective Dates-VIP2 Changes Cash with application –Conditional Coverage as of date application signed –Policy effective date will be date when the last underwriting/forms requirement is met –If claim is incurred between application sign date and date last requirement is received, policy effective date will be changed to application sign date No cash with application –No Conditional Coverage –Policy effective date is 28 days after last underwriting/forms requirement is met
Features and Benefits will vary by state15 Product Highlights Flexible Payment Options* –Continuous Pay –Double Pay First Year (Reduces premium in 2nd year and thereafter) –10-Pay (Paid-up after 10 years)) –Paid to 65 (Paid-up at age 65) –Reduced Pay at 65 (Higher premium up to age 65, reduced to ½ of the higher premium at age 65) –*N/A with Future Purchase Rider
Features and Benefits will vary by state16 Product Highlights Discounts: Marital - 15% (both do not have to apply) Spouse - 30% (both apply and are approved-includes domestic partners where not prohibited by law) Residential - 15% (2 or more people living in same home, both apply and are approved - e.g. siblings, parents/children ) Preferred - 10% Maximum Combined Discounts: –40% with Spouse/preferred –30% Marital/Residential/preferred
Features and Benefits will vary by state17 Multi-Life Discount Program 50 or more lives-voluntary 5 or more- employer paid 5%-10% additional discounts All plans/riders are available- “mix & match” Simplified Underwriting List/direct billing options NO COMP CUTS!!!
Features and Benefits will vary by state18 Underwriting “Think Like a Nurse Thinks” We use Nurse underwriters-Nearly all are RN’s with extensive clinical/geriatric experience. We look for “control and stability” in an applicant’s health history. We have two classes- “Standard “ & “Preferred”. APPLY STANDARD We offer “pre-screening” through the MGA
Features and Benefits will vary by state19 Financial Strength and Stability- $375+ Billion in 3 Billion reserved for LTC claims Name Recognition-”Snoopy” Commitment to LTCi market: TIAA/CREFF, AARP, Federal, Group, Individual (fastest growing) Product Offerings-flexible Service- Local MGA’s & regional staff Nurse Care Coordinators on staff Why MetLife ? “MetLife Wants Your Long-Term Care Insurance Business”