1Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on work in Progress in ISO United Nations Road Safety Collaboration 9th meeting Geneva, 17 and 18 November 2008 Updates on work in progress in ISO By François Abram ISO Central Secretariat
2Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO Summary Summary 1 ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system 2 ISO/IEC/JTC1/WG10 Motor vehicle driver licence and related documents 3 ISO/PC246 4 ISO/TSP206 5 Conlusions
3Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on work in progress in ISO 1 ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system a) The first meeting of ISO/PC 241 was held in stockholm from 16 to 19 June 2008 b) Title and following scope were agreed: Standardization of road-traffic safety management systems c) Presentations were made by representatives of OECD, WB, WCO, GRSF, Sweden, J 6 J
4Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) d) Membership was reviewed e) Internal liaisons were reviewed f) External liaisons were reviewed g) A first draft was discussed h) Next meeting
5Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) d) Membership/ Participation P-members (15) are member bodies of Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Finland, Italy, Jordan, Korea Rep. of, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden and United Kingdom and USA. O-members (5) are member bodies of : Cyprus, Israel, Japan, France and Netherlands Additional members might decide to join ISO/PC 241 membership
6Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) e) Internal liaisons : ISO/TC22 Road vehicles ISO/TC211 geographic information/Geomatics
7Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) f) External liaisons : Liaisons with the following organization are established: WHO, UN/ECE, WB, GRSF, OGP Liaisons with the following organizations are being approved: International road Federation (IRF), European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) Additional liasons are being considered. OECD, etc…
8Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) g) First draft : A first draft ISO/PC241N9 has been distributed for comments in October It is entitled: Road traffic ssafety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use This draft is available on the ISO/TC241 server or might be provided upon request to UN RSC delegates.
9Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO ISO/PC ISO/PC 241 Road-traffic safety management system (Continued) h) Next meeting : Malaysia in February 2009 A Seminar on road safety is expected in that connection
10Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO 2 ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC17/WG10 2 ISO/IEC/JTC1/WG10 Motor vehicle driver licence and related documents The following standard has just been published Personal identification – ISO-compliant driving license Part 1 Physical characteristics and basic data set Part 2 Machine-readable technologies Part 3 Access control, authentification and integrity validation Presentation is proposed to WP1 by the convener
11Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO 3 ISO/PC ISO/PC246 Anti-counterfeiting tools Secretariat: France (AFNOR) Participation: P-members: Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, UK, and USA
12Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO 4 ISO/TSP ISO/TSP206 Fraud countermeasures and control Proposer: USA (ANSI)
13Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO 5 Conclusion 5 Conclusion Comments ?
14Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO Mr François Abram ISO Central Secretariat 1, Ch. De la Voie Creuse Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Phone: Fax: Web:
15Running title of presentation PR/mo/item ID Date Updates on the work in progress in ISO Updates on the work in progress in ISO THANK YOU