Title of the slide Second line of the slide Green Colleges Campaign John Perks
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Green Colleges Campaign 250 Colleges LSC Funding. £22M 1200 projects Saving 350,000 tonnes CO2
Title of the slide Second line of the slide AoC Green Colleges Declaration Colleges commitment to green principles. Colleges produce a sustainability Strategy “From Here to Sustainability”.
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Strategy Buildings Curriculum Transport Policy and Practice
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Buildings Intelligent Buildings Energy Conservation Management More efficient IT Use of e Learning to reduce physical footprint IT to monitor College carbon footprint
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Curriculum Sustainable IT as part of IT courses. Sustainable IT as part of Environmental Courses
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Transport Use of e Learning to reduce travel. IT to calculate personal carbon footprint.
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Policy and Practice Review policy to ensure they promote green practice. Reward green practice.
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Questions ?