An Integrated Approach to Develop Brands in the BOTTOM – END Market
Tongaat – Hulett Sugar (Pty) Ltd. Swedish Match / Leonard Dingler (Pty) Ltd. Nola (Pty) Ltd. Ama Squeeza 2 (Pty) Ltd. Ben Evelyn (Pty) Ltd. National Brands (Pty) Ltd. British American Tabaco (Pty) Ltd. Amka (Pty) Ltd. OTK (Pty) Ltd. Premier Milling (Pty) Ltd. Epic Foods (Pty) Ltd. Adcock Ingram (Pty) Ltd. Aspen Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd. Kellogg’s (Pty) Ltd. Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Community Promotional Shows Church Sampling / Promotions Road Shows Instore Promotions Taxi-Rank & Terminus Sampling Distribution Vans Hawkers’ Distribution Forecourt Distribution Delivery Services
TARGET MARKET: Adult women LSM 1-6 MECHANICS: Educational Platform Product Demonstrations Sampling/Taste tests P.O.P 2 Promotions per Day per Area Cashvan Distribution Link
Family Involvement Social Networking Opinion Leaders Breadwinners Promotional Activities AFTER Church Service Product Education, Sampling, Wet Demo’s
Instore Brand Awareness Campaign In large visible, vacant areas, & large store entrances Branded vehicle with PA system Educational Platform Sampling, Tasting and Competitions Knock & Drop Strategy Best Marketing Platform for relaunch or new launch of Products
Top & Bottom-end Stores Complement Cashvans & Community Promotions Training essential Innomark book stores – Daily Supervision Reporting includes competitor activity, number of people seen, sales, Stock pressure
Very large Commuter market “Captive Audience” Effective reach of working Class – Breadwinners Team = driver + Supervisor + 4 distributors National reach per Day =
Exclusive Shared or Dedicated options “Bottom-end” Retail Market: Independent Wholesalers, Supermarkets, Spazas, General Dealers, Corner cafes
OBJECTIVES: Increased distribution coverage – Bottom-end Build trade allegiance Increase purchase levels. Create pull-through: Wholesalers Marketing support Marketing information OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE: Two or Four week cycle Route lists calls per day, per van Purchased direct or from Wholesaler No Mark-up Merchandising Distribution surveys – Numeric distribution shares
REPORTS: Frequency: Every two cycles Types: Numeric Distribution Sales Value (All by Region) Data is captured daily – progress can be monitored at any point in time WHY DO YOU NEED THIS UNIQUE SERVICE? Lack of Wholesalers Support Own sales/distribution resources limited High Cost Totally different mind set/discipline required Credit risk at bottom-end Dedicated sales & distribution force required
Gauteng only Hawkers & Small Street Shops COD only Saturdays only Distribution & Stock Pressure
Gauteng & Northen Province 2 Week Cycle 20 Stops per Day per Vehicle COD Sales only Pre-planned Routes
Quick! Safe! Efficient! For Small size deliveries in townships.
Giving Back to the Community
TONGAAT HULETT SUGAR Paul Dickinson: Trade Marketing Director Gary Lewis: Regional Manager – Gauteng SWEDISH MATCH LEONARD DINGLER Jarl Uggla: Managing Director – Africa Chad Limbert: General Manager – Sales NOLA FOODS Stuart Silkstone: General Manager – Marketing Johan van der Merwe: National Sales Manager Grand Gebhardt: General Manager – Accounts BAT Piet Botha: Former Trade Marketing Director For more information please contact us!
Gauteng Head Office: 561 Ontdekkers Road Florida Hills 1716 PO BOX 1845 Florida Hills 1716 Tel: (011) /1 (011) Fax: (011) Website: