Building Bridges: Enterprise Learning in the Middle Years Bexley North Public School and Kogarah High School
Brief: To develop a water efficient garden for the enjoyment and benefit of the school community. Students identified areas of each school and conducted a site analysis’ in order to ascertain the next step for their project. We had long talks with the Principal. He was like our client and we talked about where we should locate our garden.
Links to Curriculum K-6 Science & Technology Syllabus Stage 3 - D&M S3.8 Develops and resolves a design task by planning, implementing, managing and evaluating design processes. Researches needs that influence the development of built environments and establishes criteria for the evaluation of produced designs. Generates design concepts that reflect the consideration of aesthetic, cultural, safety, and functional requirements. Selects tools, equipment and resources to meet the requirements of production and use. Stage 3 BE S3.1 Creates and evaluates built environments demonstrating consideration of sustainability, aesthetic, cultural, safety and functional issues. prepares a photo study of an area to inform the process of designing a garden that is in keeping with existing landscape selects and uses primary and secondary sources to find information about water conservation and the local environment
Stage 3 LT S3.3 Identifies, describes and evaluates the interactions between living things and their effects on the environment. plans and manages the construction of a native Australian garden, identifying and resolving the need for funds and expert advice develops a detailed plan to conserve or improve a local nature reserve using a simple scale, symbols and annotations uses a water testing device to check the water pollution level in a local waterway and discusses findings, eg with an expert selects the most appropriate medium to record and investigate local plants used by an Aboriginal community Stage 3 - IC S3.2 Creates and evaluates information products and processes, demonstrating consideration of the type of media, form, audience and ethical issues. writes and sends an with an attachment to an expert seeking advice and information for a task collects information and develops a plan for a native Australian garden selects websites and other reference material and checks their accuracy through identifying sources, currency of information, purpose and bias. Also links with the K-6 PD& Health PE Syllabus, 7-10 Life Skills Communicating, Problem Solving, Interacting & Decision Making Outcomes and Indicators, K-6 HSIE Syllabus, 7-10 Geography Syllabus, K-6 English Syllabus, 7-10 English Syllabus, K-6 Mathematics Syllabus &7-10 Mathematics Syllabus Links to Curriculum
Mandatory Technology Years 7-10 Stage 4 Objectives knowledge, understanding and appreciation of and skills in design processes, design theory and the work of designers knowledge of and skills in researching, experimenting, generating and communicating creative design ideas and solutions knowledge and understanding of and skills in the responsible selection and safe use of materials, tools and techniques knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on the individual, society and the environment knowledge of and skills in managing quality solutions to successful completion. Area of study: Built Environments The focus of this area is on space, place and use. People create, construct and modify their surroundings for a wide range of purposes. The environments people build are an important part of our communities and culture. When designing environments, it is important to consider the functional, physical and material properties, aesthetic, ethical, environmental, socio-cultural, human form and scale and safety aspects of the development. Links to Curriculum
Building an Enterprising Culture The students are involved in every aspect of the process of design and development. This project is STUDENT CENTRED. They make their own decisions and come to the teacher for guidance. Students from Bexley North discussing the layout of their garden with students from KHS.
Building an Enterprising Culture The students are involved in every aspect of the process of design and development. This project is STUDENT CENTRED. They make their own decisions and come to the teacher for guidance. Students from Bexley North exchanging information with students from KHS about the process and purpose of mulching.
Partnerships Business, Community & Parents
Involving Local Businesses Students from each of the 5 groups have contacted local businesses including local garden centres; water tanks companies and landscape gardeners. They’ve conducted extensive research using the internet, the local yellow pages and some students have even approached family members. Students from KHS obtaining advice from Alistair Duncan of the EcoLiving Centre on the size and location of water tanks. The tanks will be used to store storm water from the school building.
Involving Local Businesses They’ve conducted extensive research using the internet, the local yellow pages and some students have even approached family members. Students from KHS using rainfall charts to work out the appropriate capacity of tanks for the storage of storm water.
Involving Local Community Students contacted Rockdale Council ~ Organised school visit to see the site and discuss project. Participating in National Tree Day. Students have researched, identified and contacted local community groups who have expertise and resources; Students contacted the Bureau of Meteorology, in order to research weather patterns and Sydney’s rainfall over the last 6 months.
Involving Parents Parents are very supportive of this project and many have shown a keen interest and willingness to be involved; e.g. coming to help on the weekend for a “Working Bee”. All parents are aware of program and are supporting their children by allowing them time and resources to work on project.
Progress Students from BNPS and Kogarah High have communicated by and have worked together at each school. Students from Bexley North showing KHS students how they read the school water meter. Water usage will be monitored to assess water saving after the water storage tanks have been installed.
Progress Students from BNPS and Kogarah High have communicated by and have worked together at each school. Students from Bexley North showing KHS students how they manage the worm farm that they have established to turn food scraps into compost.
Progress Students from BNPS and Kogarah High have communicated by and have worked together at each school. Students from KHS researching native plants that will suit conditions in the site selected for their garden. Each school has an excursion planned to the Heathcote Native Nursery and the Mount Annan Botanic Gardens. The Mount Annan Botanic Garden specialises in native plants and flora.
Progress But we have not finished yet. We still have to: Purchase our plants and soil Install the stormwater tanks and watering system Layout our gardens Plant and mulch …………… and, of course, carry out a final evaluation to measure the success of our projects.