United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach 17 May 2012 LCDR Allen Maxwell JR U.S. Fleet Forces Navy Energy (N46536)


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Presentation transcript:

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach 17 May 2012 LCDR Allen Maxwell JR U.S. Fleet Forces Navy Energy (N46536) PH: USFF INPORT ENERGY CONSERVATION (i-ENCON)

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach Fleet Energy Goals Foster culture change Improve inport and underway energy conservation Support CPF Great Green Fleet Strike Group Demonstration in 2012 Execute USFF Great Green Fleet Strike Group Deployment in 2016 Reduce utility consumption and costs Establish utility baselines by month Product energy conservation measures Continue i-ENCON measures from sea to shore Achieve 5% inport energy reduction for FY12 (≈$4M) Fleet Energy Goals (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N03/450 of 20 Dec 11) Fleet Energy Goals (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N03/450 of 20 Dec 11) Purpose (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N46/003 of 27 Jan 12) Purpose (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N46/003 of 27 Jan 12) Energy Reduction is a Strategic Navy Priority 2

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach When is this ship in Post Deployment stand down versus normal ops? Inport Energy Consumption Historic Behavior DDG Post Deployment Consumption 3

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach Inport Energy Consumption Historic Behavior DDG Post Deployment Consumption Post Deployment leave/upkeep Ship resumes normal ops 4

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach USFF Inport Energy Reduction Plan Desired End State: Ways: Means:  Achieve 5% reduction in USFF in-port energy use for FY12 (≈ $4M)  Develop and implement policy  Execute electrical and mechanical efficiencies pierside and on board ships/subs  Implement culture change across the Fleet 5  Establish Inport Energy Conservation Team  Codify Fleet support to Navy Task Force Energy  Credential Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation Team membership and responsibilities  Analyze Fleet utility bills and correct utility billing allocation  Promulgate shipboard energy conservation best practices via periodic Naval message  Develop and Implement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Award  Develop and promulgate shipboard energy curriculum  Develop and promulgate TYCOM inport energy conservation handbooks  Conduct energy education workshops  Install advanced utility metering on piers  Conduct shipboard energy evaluation and assistance visits

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach Inport Energy Reduction Timeline for Action 6 USFF institute Energy Mgt Curriculum USFF institute Energy Mgt Curriculum TYCOMS implement Inport Energy Handbook MAY 12 TYCOMS implemented EPEC Award (CNSF Z MAY12) (CNAF Z MAY12) MAY 12 TYCOMS implemented EPEC Award (CNSF Z MAY12) (CNAF Z MAY12) SEP 11 USFF established Fleet Inport Energy Conserve Team (IEC) & Energy Goals (USFF FRAGORD 5090 N03/ DEC 11) SEP 11 USFF established Fleet Inport Energy Conserve Team (IEC) & Energy Goals (USFF FRAGORD 5090 N03/ DEC 11) NOV 11 USFF transmitted Energy Conservation Message (USFF Z NOV11) NOV 11 USFF transmitted Energy Conservation Message (USFF Z NOV11) NAVFAC meter individual ships JUL 11 USFF established Fleet Energy Strategy (USFF FRAGORD 4101 N03/ JUL 11) JUL 11 USFF established Fleet Energy Strategy (USFF FRAGORD 4101 N03/ JUL 11) JAN 12 USFF completed IEC Charter (USFF Memo 5090 N46/003 27JAN 12) JAN 12 USFF completed IEC Charter (USFF Memo 5090 N46/003 27JAN 12) USFF implement Energy Evaluation & Assistance Program We are here… JUN – DEC 12

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach Energy Best Practices What You Can Do Now Air conditioning (a/c) plant maintenance & efficiency Consider single fire pump and a/c plant line-ups Maintain a/c boundaries Clean filters/strainers Use same number of seawater service pumps as a/c plants on line or fewer (if able to meet temp. and flow requirements) Identify and secure combat systems components and associated cooling skids when feasible Identify and secure non-essential equipment when feasible 7 USFF ZNOV11 Shipboard Inport Energy Conservation Message

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach i-ENCON At Work Education Ship Visits Energy Management Handbook In-Port Consumption Profiles & Reports Awards i-ENCON is a Total Package Success Requires All Hands! 8

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach Back Ups 9

United States Fleet Forces Ready Fleet … Global Reach USFF Inport Energy Status April 2012 Fleet Energy Goals (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N03/450 of 20 Dec 11) Fleet Energy Goals (USFF Memo 5090 Ser N03/450 of 20 Dec 11) Required TYCOM Actions Monthly Accomplishments Future Energy Action Foster culture change Improve inport and underway energy conservation Support CPF Great Green Fleet Strike Group Demonstration in 2012 Execute USFF Great Green Fleet Strike Group Deployment in 2016 Support Navy Energy Strategy Corrected CNSL utility billing ($632K) Removed guard shack utility charge from TYCOM bill Delivered Inport Energy Mgmt Handbook to TYCOM Implemented CY12 EPEC Award Reviewed final Draft Energy Evaluation and Assistance Program Handbook for Ships  USS RAMAGE offered for beta test Support CY13 EPEC criteria development (Jun 12) Assist USFF to develop ship visit schedule (May 12) Tailor and implement Inport Energy Handbook (Jun 12) Fleets and TYCOMS finalize FY13 EPEC Award criteria (Sep 12) NAVFAC implement charter to improve NAVFAC billing accuracy/timing (May 12) USFF beta test and implement Energy Evaluation and Assistance Program (May 12) USFF provide energy education workshops (Jun 12) USFF complete Shipboard Energy Mgr Curriculum (May 12) Long Term: NAVFAC install waterfront advanced metering (Jul 12) USFF validate afloat unit energy profiles (Jul 12) 10