Go Green! Help Community Day School Become a Greener Place
How much of our waste could be recycled? Approximately 29% of our garbage could be recycled!
How much paper do we really use? Pounds of Paper Used Per Person by Country Country Pounds Per Person This totals 31.5 million tons of paper from 535 million trees that requires 12 billion gallons of oil to manufacture.
Participate In Community Day’s Green Initiatives Paper recycling Plastic recycling Trashless lunches Composting Paperless communication
This year we are starting a school-wide composting program Student-lead Cafeteria containers Integrative curriculum Track progress
What are the benefits of composting? Reduce daily waste by 4% Supports Jewish beliefs Creates nutrient-rich soil Local community garden Student vegetable garden Learning opportunity
Community Day School is GREEN! Join us in increasing our efforts and leading the way for others. Anneberg Media(1998). How Can My Community Reduce Waste?. Retrieved from on June 22, The Green School Initiative. The Trashcan Quiz: Fun Facts About Trash and Recycling. Retrieved from on June 22, 2010.