BeNCoRe Conference State of the Art and Future of Belgian Coastal Research Theme 10: Capacity building, education and training in ICZM Natalie Beenaerts.


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Presentation transcript:

BeNCoRe Conference State of the Art and Future of Belgian Coastal Research Theme 10: Capacity building, education and training in ICZM Natalie BenCore Conference, Leuven, 26/04/2007

Theme 10: Capacity building, education and training in ICZM BRIDGE Other themes are ways to deliver Capacity Building Overview: 1) ENCORA - Coastal WIKI - theme 10 2) Capacity building in Belgium 3) Theme 10 in the light of the Green paper

1) ENCORA - Coastal WIKI - theme 10 original goal for theme 10 : The theme will conduct a survey on capacity building, education and training courses in ICZM, raise a European network for Capacity Building Training and Education, establish an exchange program for students and instructors and dress a European Action Plan. Valencia workshop - Nov New approach: use web-based encyclopedia facilities: WIKIPEDIA COASTALWIKI Hier fotootje van Valencia

SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUES New philosophy of CBThe CB ConceptThe European context SECTION 2: CB in the context of ICZM Evidence of needsCB needs & the ICZM cycle Assessment SECTION 3: EXISTING RESOURCES Formal CBInformal CBBest practices Maximizing CB effectiveness CatalogueReferences

SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUES New philosophy of CBThe CB ConceptThe European context -process of CB -broader CB strategies -various levels of CB -definitions -EU recommendations and principles -future Maritime Strategy (developing new CB resources, new jobs, CB to restructure coastal areas)

SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUES New philosophy of CBThe CB ConceptThe European context SECTION 2: CB in the context of ICZM Evidence of needsCB needs & the ICZM cycle Assessment At individual At institutional level Current gaps and existing capabilities Why? What? How? To spec. CB needs, gaps, opportunities Especially with examples on courses, case studies addressing CB need at diff. steps in ICZM cycle

SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUES New philosophy of CBThe CB ConceptThe European context SECTION 2: CB in the context of ICZM Evidence of needsCB needs & the ICZM cycle Assessment SECTION 3: EXISTING RESOURCES Formal CBInformal CBBest practices Maximizing CB effectiveness Academic Non-academic Associated services Awareness raising Evaluation of CB practices, strategies Learning cycle for ICZM Design of evaluation methods

(Pre) primary school Secondary school Optional within curriculum -- Just a few examples Zeekoffer van Faldido Expeditie Zeeleeuw Zeekicks – Havenexploratie (Port exploration) Zeeforum Ruimtevreters - Ruimte voor natuur? (Game on ICZM) Zeeklassen (marien ecologisch centrum) Educate TEACHERS ! Often only one aspect of ICZM is considered, but children are becoming aware within school environment – attitude! 2) Belgian examples on formal CB in ICZM

University - Higher Education No M.Sc. ICZM - Master in Océanography - Master en Aquaculture - Master in sciences and environment management - Master in civil engineering ULgULgULgULgFrench -Master in Maritieme Wetenschappen -Permanente vorming Havenbeheer (Dutch) UGentUGentDutch - Master in Aquaculture -Master in Marine and Lacustrine Sciences -Master in Ecological Marine Management -Master in Environmental Sanitation UGentUGentVUB-UAUGentEnglish PhD possibilities in different research groups dealing with marine issues Universities Colloquia-workshops –symposia International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Turbulence Re- revisited 7-11 May May be/colloquium

Examples of informal CB for general public - AWARENESS Theme days - existing activities/events Fisheries, heritage, water Information sessions related to coastal management Projects De Noordzee/ Merd du Nord; North Sea, 11th province De kust kijkt verder (ICZM) Create games Zeenario Joint events Week van de zee Expositions Exposition North sea International initiatives Low tide day River Ocean The province West-Flanders offers an overview of different organization active with nature and environment education, including sea-land interactions and ICZM initiatives

Het Zwin Coordination centre for ICZM /site/kustbeheer_en MUMM NME Horizon educatief De Nachtegaal Research Institutes/ Departments Federal Government Europe - Global Ex: coastlearn (multimedia package AWZ-kust KBIN/IRSNB / De Strandwerkgroep

- Collaboration/ joint initiatives Preferably with link to tourist departments (specially with awareness initiatives for general public) - Become part of an existing initiatives Educate, train, sensitise teachers (create fundamentals) - Educate, train, sensitise teachers (create fundamentals) - Educate volunteers - Make sure enough and relevant actors are involved in workgroups - Financial means!!

3) Theme 10 in the light of the Green paper Green paper: -holistic, integrated and all embracing approach CB in ICZM - cross sectoral management approach (industry, environment, transport, fisheries, research…interact) -- through educating/training people at all levels - CB is complex and specific needs should be identified at local/regional/national scale and not only at global scale European Marine Strategy - Related to environmental issues BOTH documents are linked  Principle of Integration is based on the idea that sustainable management relies on a sound knowledge of the interrelations of the socio-economic and environmental systems of a certain geographical region.

3) Theme 10 in the light of the Green paper What role can centres of excellence play and extend this to the need for ICZM excellence centres? Existing centres of excellence in marine research should integrate institutional-social implementation issues ( applied social/scientific research) in their fundamental research and communicate these Can happen with the assistance of existing centres for ICZM awareness (VLIZ, coordinatiepunt, etc.) Examples: - Study different implementation strategies of integrated management within different administration levels - Study different implementation strategies of integrated management within different administration levels - Develop methods to involve stakeholders in the management process

Conclusion for Belgium: *Knowledge and Understanding in several disciplines of ICZM at different levels and places BUT: - Do we offer enough/relevant capacity building, education and/or training opportunities? - e.g. Formal education level: do students know about Agenda 21, Green paper, Lisbon Strategy, local/international maritime laws? -Is there enough collaboration, exchange of knowledge and information? - Is the general public aware enough? Are they familiar enough with ICZM concept, the needs, etc. ==> the opinion of the people manages the agenda of many stakeholders, policy makers and politicians!!!) ==> the opinion of the people manages the agenda of many stakeholders, policy makers and politicians!!!) *Awareness should start at local level, but Belgian coastline is only +/-65 km. European cooperation in further CB development is evident!

- ENCORA theme 10 colleagues, especially Stella Vallejo and Maica - Kathy, Nancy, Ann, Simon, Marilaure …. for their valuable input! Acknowledgements : Thank you for your attention LAST REQUEST: a survey on ICZM courses within Europe