Health Statistics Information on STC website Calgary–DLI training–Dec 2003 Michel B. Séguin, Statistics Canada,
Health information on the Internet HEALTHINFOHEALTHINFO TIME
Health information on the Internet TIME Accessibility HEALTHINFOHEALTHINFO
Health information on the Internet TIME Accessibility Availability HEALTHINFOHEALTHINFO
Health information on the Internet TIME Accessibility Availability Confusion HEALTHINFOHEALTHINFO
Presentation outline Population Health Surveys National Population Health Survey (NPHS) Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Canadian Health Examination Survey (CHES) Health Indicators Health indicators Comparable Health Indicators Cancer Vital Statistics Residential Care Facilities Analysis –Health Reports –Annual Reports Canadian Institute for Health Information
Population Health Surveys Understand the determinants of healths Collect data on the economic, social, demographic, Occupational and environmental correlates of health Aid in the development of public policy;
Population Health Surveys Since 2000
Canadian Community Health Survey Created to collect data at the Health Region Level Cross-sectional survey
Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Year 1 100,000+ respondents stratified by Health Region Questionnaire content –common content –optional content –sub-sample content Estimates for Health Regions, Provinces, Terrritories and Canada Year 2 30,000 respondents Stratified by province Questionnaire content –focus content –general content –60+ minutes Estimates for Provinces and Canada (excluding territories )
Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.1:Large sample Cycle 1.2:Mental Health Cycle 2.1:Large sample Cycle 2.2:Nutrition Cycle 3.1:Large sample Cycle 3.2:Aging population (TBD)
Health Indicators Product Background May consensus conference Spring 2000 – published in STC/CIHI annual reports December first e-pub release Total of 7 releases – last in Nov Next release is June 2004 ongoing consultations and data releases
What are Health Indicators? measures of health status, the health system, and factors which influence health based on comparable definitions and methods broadly available – disseminated electronically at the national, provincial and regional level
Health Indicators framework
Health Indicators - integrating many data sources Statistics Canada : –vital statistics and cancer registry (admin. data) –health surveys: NPHS, CCHS, other –Census –labour force survey –crime statistics –other Canadian Institute for Health Information : –provincial health ministries, –Health Canada –hospital morbidity database –discharge abstract database, –other
Health Indicators - sub-provincial focus Priority on health region level data defined provincially –administrative areas inconsistent in size and composition –population size, land area and characteristics very different –peer groups defined boundaries change – major challenge
Peer groups need to compare health region data with ‘like’ regions grouping of HRs with similar socio- economic characteristics –concept based on 24 variables working paper available new peer groups based on 2001 Census available in November 2003
Health Indicators E-pub releases to date free electronic publication –catalogue no XIE/F – XIE/free.htm available on STC & CIHI web-sites –integrated and dynamic product integrated and dynamic product –accumulating content –‘seamless’ links between sites –next release : June 2004
Comparable Health Indicators Following the First Ministers’ Meeting in 2000 Agreed that all Provinces and Territories would report on Health in September 2002 Identified 14 areas of comparable health status and health system performance indicators
Health status Life expectancy Infant mortality Low birth rate Self-reported health Health outcomes Change in life expectancy Improved quality of life Reduced burden of disease, illness and injury Quality of service Waiting times for key diagnostic and treatment services Patient satisfaction Hospital re-admission for selected conditions Access to 24/7 first contact health services Home and community care services Public health surveillance and protection Health promotion and disease prevention
Residential Care Facilities No data released since 1999 Requests dealt through custom tabulations Next release on the Internet and CANSIM planned for early summer 2004 Will provide historical data Work being done with Census in defining Residential Care Facilities
Analysis Health Reports –Still available as a quarterly report –Uses many sources as input to research –Still have to subscribe but available through Depositary Services Program Annual Reports (STC) –Supplement to the Annual Reports –Free on the Internet site –Made available by article and the full publication is released after –Different theme each year CIHI Annual Reports
Other products and services Custom Products Remote Access Research Data Centres Health information on the Community profiles Health Information on Canadian Statistics Vital Statistics Shelf Tables will be transferred to CANSIM and Electronic Publications over the next year
HOW TO ACCESS HEALT INFO ON STC SITE Go to On the first page, click on “Our products and services” Under “Browse our Internet Publications”, click on FREE Click on “Health” or “Population and Demography” for Vital Statistics information
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