Literacy across the Curriculum Developments 2013-14.


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy across the Curriculum Developments

The importance of literacy across the curriculum Teaching - Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge [All teachers should] demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject. (Teachers’ Standards, October 2012)

Sir Michael Wilshaw speaking of literacy in schools: ‘Literacy is at the heart of our culture and literacy skills are crucial to pupils’ learning for all subjects.’ (Press release: Ofsted Chief Inspector calls for rapid improvement in literacy 15 March 2012) The importance of literacy across the curriculum

Ofsted will ask questions, under the following headings, when observing ‘literacy’ in any subject: Standard English Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation in Written Work Reading Key Vocabulary Reading, writing and communication (literacy); Ofsted; October 2011

Questions Ofsted will use when observing ‘literacy’ in any subject: Are key terms and vocabulary clear and explored with pupils to ensure that they recognise and understand them? Are they related to similar words or the root from which they are derived? Do teachers identify any particular features of key terms and help pupils with strategies for remembering how to spell them or why they might be capitalised (e.g. ‘Parliament’ in history or citizenship)? Do teachers remind pupils of important core skills – for example how to skim a text to extract the main elements of its content quickly or to scan a text for information about a key word or topic? Do teachers make expectations clear before pupils begin a task – for example on the conventions of layout in a formal letter or on the main features of writing persuasively? Do teachers reinforce the importance of accuracy in spoken or written language – for example, emphasising the need for correct sentence punctuation in one-sentence answers or correcting ‘we was…’ in pupils’ speech? Reading, writing and communication (literacy); Ofsted; October 2011 The importance of literacy across the curriculum

Literacy INSET in Subject leaders identified a need for pupils to improve their accuracy, legibility and precision in communication because pupils lose marks in tests and assessments. There is an increasing emphasis on SPAG in subject examinations. We recognise pupils need a reading age of 14+ to fully access exam papers and the impact clear communication has on their future prospects. The importance of literacy across the curriculum

Marking for literacy Green pen: pupil self-review Literacy leaders – staff and pupils Whole-school half term literacy skills focus (January) Key developments for

Marking for literacy Refer to the AFL Policy Procedure 2 : How pupils’ work should be marked How often should pupils’ books be marked? Teachers should not be expected to mark every piece of work. Work done as a group in class or information should be clearly marked as such in the title. Homework should also be clearly labelled in books or folders. Books should be marked every 2 weeks as a minimum requirement for all subjects. However, the frequency of marking will depend on the number of lessons in a week and this should be reflected in the departmental marking policy. How should they be marked ? Teachers should mark pupils’ work in line with their departmental policy. Teachers must also use the symbols and abbreviations outlined in the literacy policy when marking pupils’ work.

Marking for literacy Refer to the AFL Policy Text markAbbreviationMeaning OSpSpelling error. Find the correct spelling and write it down. O P P+ Punctuation error. Check full stops, commas and question marks. Complex punctuation. Check apostrophes, semi-colons, colons, speech marks, dashes. OCCheck capital letters. //NPNew paragraph needed. ~~~~~~~~~ExpExpression lacks clarity or is awkward; rephrase your ideas. SS Sentence structure Con Connectives SE Standard English Gr Grammar ^ Missing

Insert for your planner Pupil planners Drop-in session for all staff: Tuesday 16 th September – using the marking guidelines Literacy leaders (staff) programme: Thursday 26 th September – implementing marking for literacy Staff survey Book sample: W/B 21 st October Marking for literacy in practice

Green pen: pupil self-review rationale Accurate Legible Precise Teachers will promote pupil self-review by encouraging pupils to use a green pen to check for a specified focus in extended/assessed work. The agreed focus should foster high expectations of accurate SPAG; legible and well presented work; and precise subject vocabulary.

All pupils have been asked to include a green pen in their basic equipment Staff will receive a stock of green pens and a laminated instruction card for the classroom desk Literacy leaders (pupils) will lead the campaign with pupils, developing their initial plans to gain sponsorship and promote the green pen icon Staff and pupil survey Book sample: W/B 21 st October Green pen: pupil self-review in practice

Departments have identified literacy leaders Termly programme of development drop-ins Pupil literacy leaders (accredited by the Sports Council) identified and trained to lead initiatives such as SC7, paired reading, WOW competition and assist departments create book boxes, reading displays etc. Literacy Leaders

In English we have given all KS3 pupils a basic skills (SPAG) test and identified areas of weakness. The findings will be used to implement a whole-school ‘literacy skill of the month’ initiative from January Subject resources will be available on the literacy area of the website Literacy leaders will be involved in the planning and department INSET time will be provided Literacy skill of the month initiative

Accelerated Reader - Y7 and Y8; the lower English sets in Y10 and Y11; and some individual pupils Check out the literacy area on the website and the noticeboard opposite the library entrance …and finally