Welcome to First Grade Curriculum Night
Language Arts We are implementing the Common Core Standards in English Language Arts. Implemented through a balanced approach to literacy including guided reading, shared reading, read alouds with accountable talk, word study, writing workshop, and shared and interactive writing Common Core Standards include: – Reading: Literature – Reading: Informational Text – Reading: Foundational Skills – Writing – Speaking and Listening – Language
Resources We have a variety of resources to teach each of these areas. – Good Habits, Great Readers – Words Their Way – Units of Study in Opinion, Information and Narrative Writing – Comprehension Toolkit – Leveled books
Writing Workshop Method of writing instruction – Mini-lesson, Write Time and Confer, Share Time Students write about their own lives, knowledge, and experiences Students cycle through the writing process – Collecting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing Students work in authentic ways Students build independence
Word Study We are using Words Their Way to teach spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Throughout the week, the children sort word or picture cards that are similar. Look for and apply pattern to daily reading and writing.
Why Word Study? The program is developmental Children are working on sorts appropriate for them Systematic scope and sequence Multiple opportunities for hands on practice and application in reading and writing Understanding of how spelling represents sound and meaning
Math We are using the Common Core Standards for math. Common Core Standards include: – Measurement and Data – Numbers and Operations Base 10 – Geometry – Operations and Algebraic Thinking Resources for math include: – enVisions – Investigations – ISBE math units
Guided Math Hands on Differentiated to meet student needs enVisions math mats will be utilized frequently for whole group instruction Small group math to meet the needs of all learners
Outcome Assessments Outcome Assessments will be given in both ELA and MATH on a quarterly basis. Outcome Assessments are: A way to determine how students perform in relation to grade level expectations. Necessary for teachers to help understand what targets need to be addressed. A communication tool from school to home.
Fact Fluency at School Fast Math is the computer program that the students use daily to practice math facts. Differentiated for each student In addition, fluency building games are conducted in class. – Fact triangles (fact families) – Quiz, Quiz, Trade – New strategies are introduced as well
Where can I see what my kids will be learning? District office tab Curriculum tab ALL curricular expectations are listed for parents
Homework Grand Prairie’s homework focus will be on building reading fluency and fact fluency. – Nightly reading from fluency bags The children will be bringing home their green fluency bags with books they have read during guided reading. Please listen to your child read a few books each night. The children will reread the same books for several days. This will help the children build fluency. Fill out the reading log each night your child reads. Return the green bags to school each day. – Math Fact Practice – Weekly writing
Schedule “T” Day- Technology, Library, P.E. “I” Day- P.E. “G” Day- P.E. “E” Day- Art, P.E. “R” Day- Music, P.E. Lunch 12:10-12:30- Gold Lunchroom Recess 12:30-12:50
Communication Weekly newsletters and other information will be provided in a variety of formats. – – Hard copy sent home in Take Home Folder – Posted on district website: Click on Staff pages and scroll down to my name.
Contacting me - is the best Notes – Transportation changes MUST be sent in the form of a note, not an ! Phone-goes to voic during school hours
Guest Readers 15 minutes at 11:50 on Fridays (right before lunch). Sign up will take place through Sign Up Genius. Look for an very soon about signing up for Guest Reader time slots!
Parent Teacher Conferences Parent – teacher conferences are on November 23 rd and 24 th. Sign Up Genius will also be used for conference sign ups. – Look for an soon about signing up for a conference. Please verify your to ensure you will receive information about conferences.
Holiday Parties Sign Up Genius will also be utilized for holiday party sign ups. No limit to the number of helpers. An through Sign Up Genius will be sent the month prior to each party asking for RSVPs for parents wanting to attend the party. Party helpers will then be asked to assist in planning the party.
The FSP is the Parent Teacher Organization for District 157-C. Our mission is designed to strengthen the partnership between home and school through parent volunteer opportunities, student enrichment activities and fun family events. Some of the ways that we have enriched and supported the curriculum include: Funding for field trips Sponsoring special assembly programs Providing scholarships Providing curriculum enrichment funding to each school Coordinating volunteers for all our events and programs Each year we also hold FREE fun family events such as: Fall Family Fun Night and Creative Arts Showcase at Grand Prairie Exploration Night and Family Fitness Night at Chelsea Come visit our table at Curriculum Night and visit us at Like us on Facebook at Contact us via at
give. grant. grow. MISSION: Raising funds throughout the year to fulfill teacher written grants. Over $2 million granted to date. GRANTED TO: Grand Prairie, Chelsea and Hickory Creek FUNDRAISERS: Annual Dinner Auction, Golf Outing, Coin Drive, Frankfort Fall Fest BETA Tent RECENT GRANTS: SMART BOARDS in 20 classrooms at Chelsea Rebecca Caudill, Blue Stem and Monarch Book Programs Electronic Signage at Chelsea Razkids and Math Fact Programs at Grand Prairie Hickory Creek guitars, music, green screen and PE Equipment Netbooks and Tablet PCs at Hickory Creek For more information and volunteering opportunities visit our website at
Thank you for coming!
Welcome to First Grade! Please sort supplies according to signs on the counter. (Take everything out of packages) Items needing your child’s name: folders, binder, scissors, & supply box Inside supply box: 2 sharpened pencils, 1 big pink eraser, 1 box of crayons, 1 box of markers, 1 dry erase marker, scissors, & 1 glue stick Feel free to look around Grand Prairie!