にほんご 日本語 nihon-go Japanese Language
Japanese Alphabets 3 different kinds of Alphabets – ひらがな ( hiragana) Used most often – カタカナ (katakana) Used for foreign names. Japanese language has many foreign words. – 漢字 (kanji) Chinese characters. Hiragana and Katakana have no meaning by itself whereas Kanji does.
れいぎ 礼儀 Politeness Politeness is very important in Japanese language. There are Verb conjugations and many expressions ( 敬語 – keigo) to show different levels of politeness. One uses keigo to the elders, bosses, strangers, etc.
Some Other Characteristics Sentence Structure –Subject + Object + Verb (Subjects are often omitted) –Particles shows the relationship of a word, phrase or clause. No Articles No strict distinction between plural and singular Masculinity and Femininity are expressed by verb ending. Onomatopoeias Influence of foreign languages
あいさつ Greetings こんにちは。 - konnichiwa. (Hello.) おはようございます。 - ohayo gozaimasu. (Good morning) こんばんは。 - konbanwa. (Good evening.) さようなら。 - sayonara. (Goodbye.) すみません。 - sumimasen. (Excuse me.) ありがとうございます。 -arigato gozaimasu. (Thank you.) どういたしまして。 - do itashi mashite. (You ’ re welcome.)
じこしょうかい 自己紹介 Introducing Yourself はじめまして。 Hajimemashite. (Nice to meet you) 私の名前は___ です。 Watasino namae wa ___ desu. ___ と申します。 ___ to moshi masu. (My name is ___.) ___ からきました。 ___ kara kimashita. (I am from___.) よろしくおねがいします。 Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. (Nice to meet you.)
Traveling in Japan Most signs have English. Japanese people are not very good at English but they try to help you. Using public transportations in cities could be difficult.
Survival Japanese 英語話せますか? –Eigo hanase masu ka? (Do you speak English/ May I speak English?) 日本語わかりません。 Nihongo wakari masen. (I don ’ t understand Japanese.) __はどこですか? –___ wa doko desu ka? (Where is ___?) ここはどこですか? –Koko wa doko desu ka? (Where am I?) だいじょうぶです。 –Daijobu desu. (I am fine./OK.)
Japanese Restaurants Food samples outside. You can cook yourself! Delicious and Reasonable. No tip.
At Restaurants レストラン –Resutoran (Restaurant) __をください。 –___ o kudasai. (___ please. / I would like ___.) いただきます。 –Itadaki masu. (before eating) おいしい! –Oishi! (delicious!) ごちそうさまでした。 –Gochiso sama deshita. (after eating)