Please make yourself comfortable in your child’s seat. Take a moment to read their letter and respond to them on the paper full of hearts. Feel free to explore the room until we get started I’m glad you are here with me tonight!
To share what your child will be experiencing in third grade so that you will feel comfortable knowing your child’s year will be as memorable or better than your own third grade experience. To build a relationship between home and school so each child has an opportunity to reach their highest potential.
Welcome to Third Grade with Miss Osborne Packet (Blue) Monthly Book Talk Packet (Yellow) Volunteer Sign Up Sheet (Pink) Curriculum Follow Up- return if needed (White) Heart paper to write your child back Student Information Update Form– REVIEW and sign the bottom, leave on your child’s desk
-Monthly Class Newsletter – hard copy or electronic -Class Website on Connect mentary/sunny/default.aspx -Friday Folders -Conferences: December 2nd and 3rd -Attendance-please notify office/pre- approve with principal -E-news-sign up on school website - -Telephone:
Positive Incentives: Individual- Caught Ya Tickets Group- Group points Whole class- Marble jar Consequences: Students receive reminders and warnings when they fail to meet the classroom expectations. 1st = Friendly reminder 2nd =Warning 3 rd = “Think Sheet”
Philosophy: Homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills learned in class while gaining independence, self-discipline, and responsibility. *Please check over and initial your child’s work nightly!* Homework packet- due on Fridays -Reading Log 15 minutes/night -Weekly Spelling -Math Facts -Daily Math practice- Home Links -Science and Social Studies Home Connection
What does it look like? -Mini lesson where a picture books is read and a specific reading skill is modeled. -Students break out for independent reading time. -Teacher confers with individuals or works in small Guided Reading groups -During conferences with individual students, teacher teaches the strategies and sets goals with student -At the end of Reader’s Workshop, students meet with partners to share and reflect upon their learning Curriculum: Making Meaning Daily 5/CAFÉ- Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessments Additional Activities: -Monthly Book Reports -Caught’ya (vocabulary) -Read Aloud (Chapter Book) -Scholastic Book Orders -National Geographic
Units of Study– by Lucy Calkins Looks a lot like Reader’s Workshop -Mini-Lesson -Independent writing time/Teacher confers or works with small groups -Students share their writing Types of Text Narrative Informational Opinion Fairy Tales Cursive Without Tears
Everyday Math Adjustments have been made to meet Common Core Standards: Some lessons removed to provide in depth instruction on the standards -Problem solving tasks have been identified for each unit at each grade level. These tasks encourage students to solve problems with reason and precision and allow for meeting the needs of individual students. -IXL (online program) adopted by the district to strengthen fluency- login cards in packet -Everyday Math Login cards in packet Tools For Success- Timed Math Facts (fluency)
Developmentally driven instruction approach to spelling Students are assessed and placed into a Spelling group appropriate for their developmental stage Word Study- not just memorizing words but LEARNING spelling patterns and word meaning
-Citizenship -Pacific Northwest Coastal Tribes -Pioneer Life
Salmon Rocks and Minerals Weather
Salmon Hatchery- October 1st Seattle Art Museum – December 10th Pioneer Farms- TBA Payments will be made online Scholarships are available, but you must qualify
-Variety of volunteers -To Sign up Look over descriptions- in packet Pink sign up sheet is on desk
Don’t forget to: -Join Mrs. Lederman, the PTA, and ISF presentation in the MPR from 6:15-6:45 tonight. -Complete forms and place in green basket by the door or send to school with your child tomorrow. -Write a letter to your child on the heart stationery. -If you have any questions, please write down and place in green basket.