3 - 7 April,
10:00 – 10:10 AMWelcome 10:10 – 10:30 AM Model activity (Burning Steel) 10:30 -11:00 AMWhat is Assessment? 11:00 –11:45 AMTypes of Assessment 11:45 – 12:15 PM Ongoing Assessment 12:15 – 12:30 PM Break 12:30 – 1:15 PM Questioning Techniques 1:15 – 1:25 PMSummary & Homework 1:25 – 1:30 PM Survey 2
20 Min. (10:10-10:30)
Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Step1: Predict Ask the learners to write independently their prediction of what will happen and why they think this. Step 2: Observe Ask learners to write down what they do observe. Step 3: Explain Ask the learners to amend or to add to their explanation to take account of the observation. Discuss their ideas together. What standards does this activity address? CS: _________
5 WHAT IS ASSESSMENT ? “H/O 2” ASSESSMENT What do we assess? Why do we assess? How do we assess? 45 Min. (11:00-11:45)
Comes from the Latin verb “assidere” meaning “to sit with”. In assessment a teacher is supposed to sit with the learner meaning it is something we do with and for students and not something we do to students (Green, 1998).
Use the words to complete the graph: TEACHING, PLANNING, ASSESSMENT
PlanningTeaching Assessment Use the words to complete the graph: TEACHING, PLANNING, ASSESSMENT
Measure students’ learning and progress. Improve teaching techniques. Improve the quality of teaching programs. Raise student achievement. Report to parents on student progress.
The process of gathering data about students learning and using information about student’s responses to an educational task. Harlen
diagnostic formative summative
Activity: H/O3H/O3 Assessment Types Tick the type of assessment you think describes each assessment task. Solution
Activity: H/O4 H/O4 Formative Assessment How can we carry out formative assessment.
Activity: H/O5 H/O5 Choose 1 Curriculum Standard. Determine how many parts there are in the standard. If more than one part, rewrite the standard so that each part is separate (or indicate the parts). For each part of the standard: Write one formative assessment question and one summative assessment question.
Assessment is a continuous process and certain evaluations will make up final marks or grades. How do you implement ongoing assessment in your school? Case study: It’s the end of term, and the teacher is ready to give a final/report card mark for science. How would the teacher use ongoing assessment come with that mark? 30 Min. (11:45-12:15)
One example: 15% for notes done in class 10% for participation in group work 5% for homework completion 20% for lab reports which were marked for content, and understanding 20% 4 quizzes 30% End of Term Exam
Remember: assessment and evaluation provide information for improved student performance. When one looks at a mark of 65% or a C in Sciences, it is important to know how the student can improve to receive a 75% or a B next time. Look at the evidence to determine the areas of strength and the areas of weakness to improve overall learning.
19 15 Min. (12:15-12:30)
20 Its through thinking Instruction and Learning occur 45 Min. (12:30-1:15)
Ask the trainees: Ask the trainees: - What do the following proverbs mean for you as teachers? - How can these proverbs help our students to improve their thinking skills? 21
Ask the trainees: - Why do we ask questions? - Who asks questions? - What are the types of questions ? 22
Questions Teachers ask students Students ask the teacher Teachers ask themselves Students ask themselves
Goal The goal of asking questions is: To improve the quality of teaching and learning Teachers like to base their lesson around a ‘key question’ لزيادة جودة التدريس والتعلم يجب على المعلم بناء درسه على مجموعة من الأسئلة القوية ( مفاتيح للأسئلة )
Classification of Questions Classification of questions: -Skinny -Fat -Closed -Open -Convergent -Divergent
(A skinny question has a really short, quick answer.) Fat questions have long, complicated answers. They are fun to research and discuss. We might not agree on the answers!
Closed questions الأسئلة المغلقة Test factual knowledge Contain a limited range of possible correct responses ◦ Example: What lives in ◦ the rainforest? Provide the knowledge bases for more challenging questions اختبار المعارف والحقائق تحتوي على مجموعة محدودة من الإجابات الصحيحة الممكنة على سبيل المثال : ما الكائنات التي تعيش في الغابات المطيرة؟ تزود الطلبة بالمعرفة اللازمة لأسئلة أكثر صعوبة وتحدي
28 Open questions الأسئلة المفتوحة Require students to think more deeply Require research, investigation, reflection prior to answering fully Promote student discussion, debate, inquiry Call for learners to construct their knowledge,Have many different answers Example: Is the rainforest important to us ? الطلاب بحاجة لمزيد من التفكير العميق تتطلب البحث والتحقيق ، والتفكير قبل الإجابة تماما تشجيع الطلاب على النقاش والتحقيق دعوة للمتعلمين لبناء معارفهم والإجابات تكون متعددة ومختلفة على سبيل المثال : هل الغابات المطيرة مهمة لنا ؟؟؟
29 Activity H/O 7
Questioning Techniques: How to deal with the students questions? Remember wait time I and II: Provide at least 3 sec after a question and after a response Ask follow ups: Why? Do you agree? Can you elaborate? Tell me more, can you give an example? Ask students to unpack their thinking (thinking aloud): Describe how you arrived at your answer. Call on students randomly: Avoid only calling on those SS with raised hands. Encourage SS questioning: Let SS develop their own questions شجع الطلاب على إثارة الأسئلة
Questioning Techniques: How to deal with the students questions? Cue students responses: There is not a single correct method to solve this problem. I want you to consider alternatives. Repeat the question, paraphrasing it أعد الأسئلة بأكثر من طريقة Redirect the question أعد توجيه الأسئلة Ask probing questions اسأل أسئلة بحثية أو تحقيقية Promote a discussion شجع على النقاش
Homework ◦ Implement two different assessment types in your classroom. ◦ Bring your evidence next workshop lesson plan- assessment tool). Survey - Please take time… 32 Closure 10 Min. (1:15-1:25)
34 5 Min. (1:25-1:30)