ABC of illegal drugs Work in pairs and discuss How do you think the Government decides how drugs should be classified? What things would they consider e.g. effects and dangers. What would you imagine a Class A drug to be like? Think about effects and dangers. What would you imagine a Class B drug to be like? Think about effects and dangers. What would you imagine a Class C drug to be like? Think about effects and dangers
Should alcohol and tobacco be included? Why? Why not?
Should cannabis be legal? Sort your card sorts into two piles: illegal 1)Reasons why cannabis should remain illegal(7 statements) legalised. 2) Reasons why cannabis should be legalised. (5 statements) Sort your card sorts into two piles: illegal 1)Reasons why cannabis should remain illegal(7 statements) legalised. 2) Reasons why cannabis should be legalised. (5 statements) Or use the research sheets and find 7 reasons why it should remain illegal and 7 reasons why it should not be
It can be used for nervous conditions to relieve anxiety due to its relaxing properties Cannabis is addictive because it’s usually mixed with tobacco. Cannabis can be an effective pain killer for diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis Cannabis can be a starter for harder more dangerous drugs It would reduce crime as there would be no need for a “black” market for the drug It will make the drug more readily available to younger citizens No-one has ever died from an overdose of cannabis It can cause paranoia in the short term and cause mental health conditions later in life It is a stress reliever, which could save money for the NHS, and reduce the amount of people on sick pay. It slows down your reactions making it almost impossible to make informed decisions As well as its own effects, it holds all the bad effects of tobacco, when smoked with tobacco – lung and throat cancers. It contains carcinogens 6 times stronger than those in tobacco, which can cause lung cancer
Debate regarding the use of cannabis ‘Should cannabis be legalised?’ Group 1: Concerned Parents Group 2: Teenage Users Group 3: Drug Dealers Group 4: Police Officers Group 5: Psychiatrists Group 6: Arthritis sufferers Group 7: Adults with mental health issues most likely caused by cannabis Group 8: Teachers You will have 5 minutes in your group, to create an argument dependant on the group you are placed in. You need to create a persuasive argument