©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education1 Cosmetology Law of Color
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color2 Primary Colors A primary color is a pure pigment They cannot be created by mixing other colors In order of dominance: Blue, Red, Yellow All colors are created from these three pigments Blue is a cool-toned color Red or yellow are warm-toned colors
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color3 Yellow Red Blue Neutral
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color4 Secondary Colors Created by combining two primary pigments of equal portions They are Orange, Violet, and Green They are cool if they have blue in them Warm colors have red or yellow in them
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color5 Yellow Red Blue Neutral Violet Orange Green
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color6 Tertiary Colors Created by mixing a primary and secondary color together These shades are blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange, and yellow-green Remember to mix the primary color with an adjacent secondary color on the color wheel
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Law of Color7 Yellow Red Blue Neutral Violet Orange Green Y-O Y-G B-G B-V R-V R-O