The Rhetorical Triangle AP Language and Composition Kurtz
AP Lang Journal: 8/26/10 “Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne How can you use words to become potent for good and evil?
Taken from: Rhetorical context
Audience What does your audience already know about the subject? What prejudices will they have? What will they expect? What should they learn?
Writer or Speaker How will you show your credibility? How will you show your expertise? What is your goal or purpose? How can you make an impression?
Purpose Do you want to persuade? Explain? Narrate? Describe? Inform? Express yourself?
Ethos writers appeal to a reader’s sense of ethos (notice wording) Sense of character Is the writer credible or trustworthy? May emphasize shared values between audience and writer May involve writer’s reputation May make a good impression Expertise, knowledge, experience, training, sincerity, or a combination
Logos Writers appeal to a reader’s sense of logos (notice wording) Offer clear, rational ideas logic Have main ideas, specific details, facts, data, or testimonies Appealing to logos also means offering counterarguments Concede that there are other viewpoints Refute those other viewpoints
Pathos Writers appeal to a reader’s sense of pathos (notice wording) Using emotions can be effective for your audience Using correct words, understanding implied word meaning: connotation Include concrete, vivid details Figurative language Use of visual images to appeal to emotions
In-Class Activity Break students into small groups of 3 or 4. Select a presenter and a recorder. Take an advertisement from Mrs. Kurtz Consider the questions on the handout about the author, message, and receiver of their chosen ad. Also consider what appeals the advertisers are using to sell their product. The recorder should note down the most important points discussed by the group. The presenter should present the group’s ideas to the class.
Closing: What did you learn today? How will you use it? Do you have any questions: Homework: Complete the Analyzing Media messages Assignment
Rhetorical Triangle, Day 2 Journal 8/27/10: After watching commercials last night, what did you discover about advertisement? Be prepared to share your input with the class.
Group Activity In groups of three, you are going to write an appeal based upon ethos, pathos, and logos. Everyone will have the same prompt, but your appeal must be based on one of the appeals of the rhetorical triangle.
Here is the prompt… Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense. Your group will have 15 minutes to work on the appeal. You will present your appeal to the class.
Closing 8/27/10 What did you learn that was exciting today? How will this knowledge improve your life? How was it relevant to the essential question?
Journal 8/31/10 What does it mean to be ethical? What are some components of being ethical?
Closing 8/31/10 Summarize how Virtue Ethics influences your writing and how you can use virtue ethics to persuade your audience.