Ethics of Cybernetics Cybernetics: What it is, and how it will impact our lives. What it is, and how it will impact our lives.
Cybernetics: Defined as: “The study of the interaction between man, machine, and animals” 1Defined as: “The study of the interaction between man, machine, and animals” 1 1: Norbert Wiener
How is it being used? Latest biomedical research is using Cybernetics to create “superhumans” which will transform the way we practice medicine, transmit thoughts, and communicate with one anotherLatest biomedical research is using Cybernetics to create “superhumans” which will transform the way we practice medicine, transmit thoughts, and communicate with one another
Kevin Warwick Who is this guy?Who is this guy? –A cybernetic pioneer at the Reading University in the UK.
Kevin Warwick: What’s so important about him?What’s so important about him? –Research entails creating software to read the signals from a nervous system and to record and condition that data for retransmission
Superhumans If Kevin’s research is successful, we will begin to approach the reality of “superhumans”If Kevin’s research is successful, we will begin to approach the reality of “superhumans” What are superhumans?What are superhumans? –Superhumans = men and women who have machines implanted internally to help them surpass the physical boundaries of normal human function including thought process, emotional and physical capabilities.
Kevin’s research: What it consists of:What it consists of: –Currently: reconstruct and study traditional electrical impulses –Eventually: understand how to manipulate sense impulses –In the future: create new senses through impulse manipulation
Kevin’s Research: What he’s doing in the UK:What he’s doing in the UK: –His next experiment involves him placing a small glass case containing a power supply, a mini-printed circuit board to receive and transmit signals in his left arm’s nerve fibers –These chips will receive signals from the collar and send them to a computer instantaneously
Experiment Example: When Kevin moves a finger:When Kevin moves a finger: –Electronic signals travel from his brain to activate the muscles and tendons that operate his hand. –The collar picks up the signal en route –Nerve impulses will still reach the finger but he will tap into them as though he was listening on a phone line
Why is this significant? More routes for more senses could be foundMore routes for more senses could be found Alternative pathways for blind or deaf people to “see” or “hear” with ultrasonic wavelengthsAlternative pathways for blind or deaf people to “see” or “hear” with ultrasonic wavelengths –Example: A blind person could use this technology to navigate around objects with ultrasonic radar, much the way bats do
Ever worked before? NO.NO. But then again, nobody’s ever tapped into their nerve fibers before.But then again, nobody’s ever tapped into their nerve fibers before.
What has been done? Emory University:Emory University: –Implanted a transmitting device into the brain of a stroke patient –Linked motor neurons to silicon –Afterwards, patient was able to move a cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about it.
What has been done? Caltech’s Steve Potter:Caltech’s Steve Potter: –Has a living layer of rat neurons growing over a microelectrode array. Neural activity is sent to an SGI workstation which renders the data. (Acts as the body) –Trying to organize data to make sense of it. –By end of year recognize speech. –Brain can command artificial limbs
It’s only a matter of time The reality of “smart” machines to aid humans in various functions is imminent.The reality of “smart” machines to aid humans in various functions is imminent. Implementation:Implementation: –Requisite programs must be set up. Like keyboards are today. –Basic programming shouldn’t be too hard –Implant owner will have to learn how to operate his new little friend.
Ethical Issues? Many issues arise:Many issues arise: –Is it ethical to create a “superhuman” where machines are in charge of key human functions such as thought control and communication? –Is it ethical to allow some humans, probably the wealthy ones, to communicate through cybernetics and not others?
Ethical Issues: How safe must the implants be for them to be distributed?How safe must the implants be for them to be distributed? Senses and impulses could be transmitted in a harmful waySenses and impulses could be transmitted in a harmful way –What kind of security should accompany the implants –An entirely new “private” realm - one’s emotions.
Ethical Issues: New sensesNew senses –Can these senses be patented? –What if they’re addictive - who regulates?
Is It All Bad? Warm fuzzy outcomes:Warm fuzzy outcomes: –ALS - Lou Gehrig’s disease - could possibly be cured once we understand how to retransmit nerve impulses. –We can create a new way, although artificial, to make people feel happy
The Future…. If developed, most likely will be used.If developed, most likely will be used. We can only wait and see...We can only wait and see...
Thank You. - Michael Lewis
Bibliography Wired Magazine, February 2000 issuesWired Magazine, February 2000 issues Cybernetic Intelligence Research Group - Intelligence Research Group - Wired online: online: Biomedical Research at EmoryBiomedical Research at Emory –
Bibliography Program in Ethics in Science and Medicine - in Ethics in Science and Medicine - Department of Cybernetics at Reading - of Cybernetics at Reading -