Learning Resources Computer Skills Training
Provide tailored ICT workshops in consultation with you Target the skills your students need What can we offer your students? We can…
Plan our workshops around your assignments Ensure the functionality your students need will be covered in our standard workshops What can we offer your students? We can…
Support the students you identify as having poor ICT skills Following your referral, arrange individual tuition What can we offer your students? We can…
Familiarise themselves with MS Office packages Improve time management Create eye catching charts Improve their data analysis We can help students… What can we offer your students?
Create professional looking presentations Use ICT more efficiently to improve assignment production. Gain confidence in their ICT abilities We can help students… What can we offer your students?
Software covered: Standard Workshops: Word Excel PowerPoint MindGenius Individual / Supplementary Workshops: Publisher Access* *Doesn’t include entity modelling or database concepts
All our workshops are available throughout the academic year. For further information contact Linda Martin & Rosa Ramos Availability