J.Byrne 20141
Draw the outer shape of the room to sizes given. J.Byrne 20142
Draw in back wall J.Byrne 20143
Draw the outline of the end of the sofa. J.Byrne 20144
Bring lines back top VP J.Byrne 20145
Determine the length of the sofa Draw in some detail J.Byrne 20146
Draw in arm rests and bring back to VP J.Byrne 20147
Draw in width of arm rests J.Byrne 20148
Draw rug to one side of the room. Design the rug J.Byrne 20149
Divide the back wall into even spaces. Alternatively you can divide front line J.Byrne
Draw lines representing the lengths of flooring, getting shorter as you go further back into the room J.Byrne
Draw the nearest line of the fire place. Bring back into the room and finish J.Byrne
Draw a line to determine the depth of the fire place. Bring a line up vertical. J.Byrne
Draw a line from the VP out through the corner to determine the back of fire place J.Byrne
Divide the height of the wall to represent rows of bricks J.Byrne
Draw a line from the VP out through each of the brick corners to continue the rows of bricks on the back wall. J.Byrne
Draw in the bricks J.Byrne