Pancreas مشاري فهد المطيري
Anatomical structure of the pancreas The pancreas is a member of an extended there after the first part of the small intestine, and is composed of lobes of soft texture. Consists of the exocrine glands and internal secretion glands, or the so-called islands of Langerhans
Location The pancreas is a gland located deep in the abdomen between the stomach and the spine (backbone). The liver, intestine, and other organs surround the pancreas.
The islands of Langer Hans A clusters of adjacent cells are distributed randomly and lying between the cells of internal secretion of the pancreas, and the number of islands nearly a million in humans. All the islands of Langer Hans consists of a cluster of polygonal cells in small groups around the capillaries which are a dense network surrounding each island. In addition, the related ends of nerve fibers and Asambthawayp Albarracmbthawayp.
Islands of Langerhans There are three types of cells 1-cell-loving base and are called beta cells Beta Cells Produce the hormone insulin, which are the bulk of the islets of Langer Hans about 60% 2-Cells love to dye and acid called Alpha Cells Secrete the hormone glucagon, represent about 25% of the islets of Langer Hans. 3-Delta cells Produce the hormone somatostatin, which represents about 10% of the islets of Langer Hans.
Hormone insulin Secreted when increasing the level of blood sugar (Hyper glycemia( Facilitate the absorption of the cells to glucose Hormone builders )fats, proteins, nucleic acids(
Synthesis of the hormone insulin DNA RNA mRNA Preprohormone Prohormone Insulin
Imbalance resulting from the secretion of insulin Increase the secretion of insulin Disease heap of sugar Lack of insulin secretion Diabetes
first type Secondary type Non-insulin dependent Diabetes late Insulin-dependent Diabetes early Shortage in the number of insulin receptors in target cells Reduced amount of insulin as a result of the crash of beta cells to either viral infection or otherwise Occurs with age Occurs in children Not eating sugars / snacking Insulin injections / snacking at intervals
Hormone glucagon Secreted when the level of lack of blood sugar (Hypo glycemia( Runs counter to the hormone insulin (Antagonism( Hormone HDMI - Analysis of glycogen Glycogenolysis - Composition of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate Gluconeogesis - Increase the formation of urea - Inhibition of fatty acid
Molecular structure of the hormone glucagon - Consists of 29 amino acid. The molecular weight of 3450. - Spiral shape.
Balance blood sugar Hyper glycemia Hypo glycemia
Hormones affect glucose levels Hormones Insulin Hormones Glucagon Hormones Epinepherine Hormones Cortisol Growth hormone Thyroid hormone
Third: The hormone adrenaline - Creates in the adrenal gland, spinal cord - Secreted when the pressure and Sports - Works on the composition of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate - Reduces the secretion of insulin / glucagon secretion increases - Increases lipolysis
IV: cortisol Secreted by the adrenal cortex Increases the proportion of blood glucose by: - Composition of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate. - Analysis of glycogen and fat and protein. - Absorption of glucose in the tissues except the brain.
V : Growth Hormone Secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary. Its functions: 1-Secretion of IGF 2- Building protein 3- Lipolysis in adipose tissue 4-Absorption of glucose in the muscles
The organization of the secretion of growth hormone a hormone secreted from GHRH. Hypothalamus Increasing the amino acids. Lack of fatty acids. lack of blood sugar. hormone somatostatin.
VI: thyroid hormones Secrete thyroid hormones T3 / T4 by the hormone TSH Increase the secretion of growth hormone As well as glucagon is excreted by the hormone TRH