Research skills Dr. Rosemary Wilson Dept. of Applied Linguistics and Communication Postgraduate Orientation: October 2011
Think about the following Which undergraduate research skills do you bring to your postgraduate studies? Critical / analytical thinking / reading / writing Note-taking Time management Identifying and selecting relevant information Finding information in the library Using the internet Referencing skills
Developing your skills for postgraduate study Undergraduate level Finding information in the library and using the Internet Note-taking Identifying and selecting relevant information Critical/analytical thinking/reading/writing Referencing skills Time management Postgraduate level Using journals and data- bases Organising information electronically Selecting and designing your own project Structuring and writing an extended argument Referencing a wide range of sources Organisational skills
Discipline-specific research skills Quantitative approaches Research ethics Questionnaire design Statistical analysis Use of statistical software packages Mathematical modelling Computer modelling etc. Qualitative approaches Research ethics Questionnaire design Interviewing & transcription Observation & field notes Ethnography & field notes Use of software packages e.g. NVIVO Documentary analysis etc.
(Inter)personal and academic skills Taking the initiative: asking questions finding out what is expected: ‘Nobody told me’…. asking for help contacting your supervisor Developing your own academic interests: at master’s level think about topics covered in the modules that particularly interest you and that you would like to investigate further at MPhil/PhD level, keep in mind that there is only one of you
Becker, L. (2004) How to Manage your Postgraduate Course (Palgrave) Wisker, G. (2007) The Postgraduate Research Handbook (Palgrave) index.asp support research-ethics research-projects research-skills internet