One-year progress update: Decade of Action for Road Safety Etienne Krug Director WHO
Road traffic deaths: the facts Road traffic WHO Malaria WHO 2008 <1 Tuberculosis WHO AIDS-related deaths UNAIDS 2008 Million people million deaths million injured
Leading causes of death RankDisease or Injury 1Ischaemic heart disease 2Cerebrovascular disease 3Lower respiratory infections 4COPD 5Diarrhoeal diseases 6HIV/AIDS 7Tuberculosis 8Trachea, bronchus, lung cancer 9Road traffic injuries 10Prematurity & low-birth weight RankDisease or Injury 1Ischaemic heart disease 2Cerebrovascular disease 3COPD 4Lower respiratory infections 5Road traffic injuries 6Trachea, bronchus, lung cancer 7Diabetes mellitus 8Hypertensive heart disease 9Stomach cancer 10HIV/AIDS
Road traffic deaths by type of road user 46% Pedestrian, cyclists and motorized two-wheels riders and passengers 6% Others 48% Car occupants
Other key data Worldwide vehicle ownership is forecast to double by Much of this growth will be in emerging markets. Road traffic injuries cost countries 1–3% of GDP. Only 15% of countries have comprehensive laws which address five key behavioural risks.
Prevention works Evolution of the number of annual road traffic deaths in metropolitan France,
Cost benefit Seatbelts (USA, Canada, Norway): 1 : 3-8 Speed cameras (all EU): 1 : 5.9 Motorcycle helmets (Norway, USA): 1 : 17 Drinking and driving: 1 : 19-56
Goal of the Decade To halt or reverse the predicted increase in road traffic fatalities around the world
Global Plan Road safety management Safer roads and mobility Safer vehicles Safer road users Post-crash response
High-level national launches
High-level statements of support
Advocacy events Romania Lebanon Estonia United States El SalvadorIndonesia
Advocacy events Cambodia Brazil South Africa China Tanzania India
Commemorations Hungary Philippines Mauritius
Illuminations Geneva SydneyRio de Janeiro
Buenos Aires New York London
Toronto Hanoi Caracas
w Moscow
Media Print media: > 300 newspaper articles in > 60 countries: Accra Mail, Bangkok Post, Economist, Guardian, Irish Times, Jakarta Post, La Nación, The New Zealand Herald, La República, The Times of India, The Washington Post and 18 newswires… Broadcast media: BBC, CNN, Globo, Televisa, Voice of Russia… Web pages: > 1.5 million pages Facebook: > 3000 fans Twitter: #roadsafetydecade tweeted > 1000 times reaching > 300,000 people Iraq
Follow up: national level National plans: e.g. Australia, Austria, Canada, Mexico New laws: e.g. Chile, China, France, Honduras, New Zealand Increased enforcement: e.g. Brazil, Cambodia, Russian Federation Social marketing: e.g. India, Turkey, Viet Nam Trauma care: e.g. Ghana, Mozambique Data collection: e.g. Egypt, Kenya
Follow up: global level UN Secretary-General's report UN General Assembly resolution UN Road Safety Collaboration project groups Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme Road Safety Fund Multilateral Development Bank's Road Safety Initiative Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety Plans for Second UN Global Road Safety Week (April 2013)
Follow up: monitoring 2 nd Global status report on road safety Key monitoring tool for the Decade Data from 180 countries One-page country profiles Launch date: end 2012
Some future directions Additional, coordinated, multi-sectorial country support mechanisms More large scale evaluated interventions A few agreed priorities (e.g. legislative reform and enforcement) Vocal civil society Better informed media Inclusion of road safety in other agendas (e.g. Rio +20) Additional players
"Now we need to move this campaign into high gear and steer our world to safer roads ahead. Together, we can save millions of lives." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon