WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT?! As ITGS students, it is very important to be able to look at issues facing humans today and being able to analyze how it is impacting everyone around us. These issues can be placed in three very important categories. They are called the Global, Social and Ethical Issues. We are going to take a closer look at each issue and how you can go about learning how to spot these issues in each real life problem
GLOBAL ISSUES!! -Global issues are defined as any problems we can determine that will affect the world on a global scale. -Issues like Global Warming, Poverty, and other problems that every citizen can face are examples of a global problem
ETHICAL ISSUES!! Ethical issues are issues that can be affected by the moral obligations of everyday people. Issues like truth vs. dishonesty are the main issues that can be defined as an ethical issue.
SOCIAL ISSUES!! Social Issues are issues that can affect a certain social group. Groups like your local tennis club, a school, or even a race of people are included in problems that face them on a social scale.
HOW TO FIND EACH!! By looking at each problem, one can quickly learn to spot the Global, Ethical, and Social issues in each with a little practice. First, isolate the problem so you are looking at each issue separately. Plan on finding the global first, ethical second, and social third so you do not get confused. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it on the first try, isolating each problem can be confusing at first! Just go ahead and try!!
EXAMPLE! An election candidate for president is found lying to sponsors in order to get more money Before you continue, follow these simple guidelines
GUIDELINES 1.When looking at each problem, look at one issue at a time. 2. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!! Everything goes! Creativity is important! We are ITGS students!! 3. Do not think just locally. These are GLOBAL issues. Think about how this issue will affect those who are not just living in this country!
SO, BACK TO THE PROBLEM An election candidate for president is found lying to sponsors in order to get more money To find the global issues, first: THINK. At first glance, it might seem like this is only a problem in this country. But, dig a little deeper. If a lying president is elected, they will have control over a lot of this country. The president also has to deal with foreign relations, and a dishonest president might not have other’s best interests at heart. If the president messes up our relationship with countries we rely on, this could start a BIG problem for everyone involved. The phony president could mess up the trading program with other countries so we might not get our goods and other countries might not get what they need.
NOW FIND THE ETHICAL ISSUES!! An election candidate for president is found lying to sponsors in order to get more money The ethical issues are pretty obvious in this one, but might not be so obvious in others. The ethical issues involve the immoral actions of the president and how it can affect everyday citizens. Dig a little deeper. Think past the immoral actions of the president. What if this man (or woman) has children? The child will have a lot of pressure upon them if their parent becomes president. That child will grow up learning that is okay to lie to people in order to get ahead. This is what ITGS is all about: digging a little deeper. Try it! You will be amazed at what you can come up with.
FINALLY, WHAT ABOUT THE SOCIAL ISSUES Again, the social issues are pretty obvious. A president affects a large group of people everywhere. By allowing a shady president into obvious, we are inviting all kinds of trouble into our world for the next four years (maybe even eight….eek!)
HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD SOMEONE WRITE THIS?! 1.An election candidate for president is found lying to sponsors in order to get more money If a lying president is elected, they will have control over a lot of this country. The president also has to deal with foreign relations, and a dishonest president might not have other’s best interests at heart. If the president messes up our relationship with countries we rely on, this could start a BIG problem for everyone involved. The phony president could mess up the trading program with other countries so we might not get our goods and other countries might not get what they need. The ethical issues involve the immoral actions of the president and how it can affect everyday citizens. What if this man (or woman) has children? The child will have a lot of pressure upon them if their parent becomes president. That child will grow up learning that is okay to lie to people in order to get ahead. The social issues are pretty obvious. A president affects a large group of people everywhere. By allowing a shady president into obvious, we are inviting all kinds of trouble into our world for the next four years (maybe even eight….eek!)
BUT THAT’S A LOT OF WRITING!! Yes, it is. But, this is an example of a (nearly) perfect answer. It is well thought out and covers every single topic in great detail. This is the type of answer that is fitting for ITGS students. Also, bonus points if you use your command terms!
REMEMBER!!! Copyright laws come into effect for pretty much everything, including everything technology related. If you use a picture to get your point across, you MUST cite it. This is just good global citizenship! If you copy and paste something, or even just use someone else’s information, you MUST cite it. Use this guideline: If the fact did not come from your own head and your own knowledge, YOU MUST CITE IT!!! (P.S. All pictures in this slide were taken from clip art. No need to cite these.)