Alzheimer’s Society, UK Our research programme


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Presentation transcript:

Alzheimer’s Society, UK Our research programme and the returns from research Dr James Pickett

The landscape for funding in the EU Joint Programming on Neurodegeneration(JPND)

The landscape for funding in the UK Total spend = ~£64 million Source: Alzheimer’s Research UK annual accounts for 2008-2009

The landscape for funding research in Alzheimer’s Society 2011 – 2012 expenditure £62million 2011 – 2012 expenditure on research ~£2.5million Fund research into cause, care, cure and prevention of dementia Value of portfolio £6million Project grants (24), Fellowships (8), PhD studentships (17) 60% of projects are predominantly animal or cell based projects 40% of projects are human studies (autopsy tissue or patients) 25% of projects involve people with dementia Involvement of carers and people with dementia

Outputs of the research grants programme in the last 12 months Funder of 50 publications liraglutide prevents AD-like neurodegeneration in pre-clinical models of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience. A review on Alzheimer’s Disease in the leading journal. The Lancet Completion of several high profile clinical trials Donepezil and memantine in moderate to severe AD (DOMINO) New England Journal of medicine, Thursday 8 March. Aromatherapy to treat agitation in dementia Impact beyond publication New referral service for people who are Deaf with cognitive complaints Antipsychotics –development of a best-practice guide with The Department of Health Development online training resources for GPs on the management of dementia and behavioural symptoms.

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 ‘…it takes an average of 17 years for only 14 percent of scientific discoveries to become standard treatment in the community…’ Trochim et al, NIH report

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 £18,800,000

Impact of research 1989 - 2011

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 Knowledge generation

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 Knowledge generation 2010 impact factor No of pubs 0 to 4 125 4 to 7 50 7 to 10 21 10+ 15 £80,000 per publication

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 Knowledge generation Have had an impact in research into cause, care, cure and prevention of dementia: Tau biology Important contributions to the field. Diagnosis Advances in MRI, blood biomarkers and improving diagnosis by GPs Management of behavioural symptoms FITS trial, CALM-AD

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 Developing leaders in dementia research 36 research fellowships 20 PhD studentships 70 per cent of Alzheimer’s Society research fellows have remained active in dementia research. 60 per cent of our research fellows now hold tenured positions in universities and research institutes.

Impact of research 1989 - 2011 Tangible improvements for people with dementia and their carers A standard neuroimaging approach Detection of brain atrophy by MRI is now a recommended approach for diagnosing early changes in dementia and is increasingly beginning to be used in clinical settings. ‘Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the preferred modality to assist with early diagnosis and detect subcortical vascular changes.’ National Clinical guideline on supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care Access to cholinesterase inhibitors in the UK Alzheimer’s Society commissioned research that looked at the views and experiences of patients and carers in using these drugs, and creating novel patient-defined outcome measures. This evidence was crucial in Alzheimer’s Society’s campaigning work against the decision of NICE. Person centred care as an alternative to antipsychotic medication The FITS (focused intervention in training and support demonstrated a 50% reduction in antipsychotic use in care homes. Alzheimer’s Society has now started a role out of this package across the UK.

Summary Research is what many donors and supporters of our organisation wish their money to be spent on. Research offers hope to patients and carers. Research raises awareness of dementia and the profile of our organisation. Research can innovate services and provide an evidence base to campaigns. Research always adds to knowledge, can train new leaders in the field and occasionally can provide the breakthroughs that we strive for. Thank you!