The Internet & The Manager
Introduction Most companies realize that the Internet is here to stay. Business leaders realize that in order to maintain their competitive edge, their companies must become e- businesses. - Anita Rosen
What We’ll Discuss Growth of the Internet Internet Vocabulary Searching the Internet
Growth of the Internet Use of the Internet in business is continually growing and expanding New tools are being introduced Increasing use of computers for farm business – Lots of opportunity to expand use
Question… How do you view the future of the Internet and its use?
Internet Vocabulary Internet – world-wide interconnected collection of smaller networks World Wide Web (WWW) – collection of websites that can be browsed Website – consists of one or more web pages Webpage – foundation of the WWW
Internet Vocabulary Web browser – software that translates the code web pages are written in (Internet Explorer, Foxfire, Netscape Navigator) Software – what tells your computer to do things (computer programs) Hardware – physical components of the computer system E-______ - electronic anything (mail, commerce, newsletter, etc.)
Internet, WWW, and computer relationship
Searching (and finding) on the Internet Start with a search engine Develop a topic that you want to search on – Start specific and move to more generalized Try different spellings, orderings, and use of quotes – Ex. Corn maze vs. corn maize – Ex. Marketing fruit vs. fruit marketing – Ex. “marketing cheese” vs. marketing cheese Try different search engines – May get different results
What’s coming… The Internet as a Communications Tool Business Planning and Market Research on the Internet e-Commerce: Buying and Selling on the Internet Developing and Maintaining Your Own Website Promoting Your Website
Section Wrap-up Use of the internet for business is on the rise Knowing how to search the internet is valuable in finding essential information