NETPDTC-hosted AIM Central Site New Users Guide [Center/community] Citrix Metaframe NETPDTC-hosted AIM Central Site New Users Guide [Month Year] Review the entire slide prior to first login.
Expectations Transparency Security Unaffected by NMCI updates What to expect. Transparency Content is shared among all users Security [Learning Site POC] is allowed to set permissions within their Area of Responsibility (AOR) Unaffected by NMCI updates Unless the updates affect Internet Explorer Data is backed up daily 2
Changes What are the changes? Access to AIM is via the internet, rather than on your stand-alone PC or LAN Citrix has two activity clocks Usage timer Users must log into Citrix every 30 days to keep account active Recommend using Outlook reoccurring reminders set at a three week interval Logging into AIM is required Inactivity timer will prompt at 118 min. after you log into your session The prompt will appear if you are not active within AIM Failure to respond within 2 min. will close your session Save frequently. It will not save for you. Do not X-Out (upper right corner of all windows). When you are finished use the “log out” features. X-Out will create hung sessions, and Citrix will still attempt to monitor you and provide inactivity prompts after you have closed all windows. 3
Logging Into Citrix Login Process Click this link: The window to the right may appear Select “Continue to this website (not recommended).” 4
Logging Into Citrix Login Process This window should appear Select your email certificate 5
Logging Into Citrix Login Process This window should appear Enter your CAC PIN ****** 6
Logging Into Citrix Login Process This window should appear AIM I/II Icon Remember when you are finished to log off STOP here IF you are just logging in to prevent your account from being disabled. 7
Logging Into AIM Login Process Single Click the AIM icon 8
Logging Into AIM Login Process Read and click OK 9
Logging Into AIM Login Process Enter your CAC PIN 10
Logging Into AIM Login Process AIM needs to associate with MS Word Click Yes This only happens the first time you log on 11
Logging Into AIM Login Process Check the “Always trust macros from this publisher.” box Click Enable Macros This only happens the first time you log on 12
Logging Into AIM Login Process This window appears Enter your User Name and Password and click OK 13
Logging Into AIM Login Process This window appears Select Full Access Select Never ask me again You will not see this window again 14
Logging Into AIM Login Process You are now in AIM, which should function exactly the same as the local version you’ve been using, except for more granular privilege levels that your manager will assign to you and explain how [Center / community] will use those new privilege levels. For an overview of these new privilege levels, view this video. The video is based on CNATT’s privilege levels. Your Center / community titles for these privilege levels may be a bit different, but the functions of each level will work the same as depicted here. 15
Navigating within Citrix Metaframe View this video to get an overview of AIM Citrix File Access Settings and Desktop Navigation 16
The End Time to get to work 17