1 Analysis of Push Initiator Tool used for Wireless Application Protocol Taotao Huang Helsinki University of Technology Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Networking Laboratory Professor: Jorma Jormakka Working place: Nokia Mobile Phone Tel:
2 Overview of WAP The process of sending a WAP request and receiving WAP content
3 Overview of WAP 1. The WAP terminal sends a URL request to a WAP gateway using WAP protocol through a bearer. 2. The WAP gateway sends the request to the right origin server, and if the origin server is a web server, the request uses HTTP protocol. For the security purpose, HTTPS protocol will be used. 3. The origin server responds to the request by returning a WAP document in textual format to the gateway 4. The gateway encodes the WAP content into binary format and sends it to the WAP terminal
4 Overview of WAP WAP protocol stack 1
5 PUSH Service With WAP, push operators can send an alert message to a mobile user, but that message can also contains a link to a WAP page. The user can click a button and immediately view the page in order to get more information, and/or do something about it.
6 Push The process of sending a push message
7 Overview of NOKIA PUSH Initiator NOKIA push initiator is a tool used for push testing. This tool can send WML, service indication (SI) and plain text (PL) pages as push messages to push client through the PPG in order to test the performance of the NOKIA PPG
8 NOKIA Push Testing Environment Push Clients
9 Features of NOKIA PUSH Initiator Sending SI/SIC, WML/WMLC and plain text Push Message. Support for various modes of client addressing – MSISDN, IP and multiple client addressing. Generate unconfirmed Push traffic with desired priority and mode of delivery i.e. immediate or differed. Monitor the traffic generated and display statistics of the test on GUI. Creating new test profiles to define test sessions. Edit existing test profiles. Schedule the execution of test sessions. View statistics about the execution of test sessions.
10 NOKIA PI and Ericsson PI comparison Hardware Requirement Nokia Push InitiatorEricsson Push Initiator Small disk space requirement20 Mbytes free disk space is required for installation 5GB Hard disk with Pentium 3 processor Pentium II, 266 MHz and 128 Mbytes RAM is recommended
11 NOKIA PI and Ericsson PI comparison Software Requirement Nokia Push InitiatorEricsson Push Initiator Microsoft Windows NT 4.0Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, windows 98, or windows 2000 Java Runtime Environment or later & JRun 3.0 server Java 2 Platform, version or later. Netscape 4.7 or Internet Explorer 4.0Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, or a later version. No requirement for fontThe font Arial Narrow is required to get a correct simulation of the real telephones. Text EditorAdobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later is required to view online documentation.
12 NOKIA PI and Ericsson PI comparison Features and functions Nokia Push InitiatorEricsson Push Initiator The push message ID should be created by the user. An unique ID of the push message can be generated by the PI automatically but it can be changed by the user. Type of Message supported: Service Indication (SI), WML, plaint text, Service Indication encoded (SIC), WML encoded (WMLC) Type of Message supported: Service Indication, Service Loading, WAP Cache Operations Push Type supported: Push, Push ListPush Type Supported: Push Subscriber Addressing: Phone-number, IP, user-defined address or group address. Subscriber Addressing: Phone-number, IP
13 NOKIA Push testing Throughput performance Evaluation There were 4 kinds of tests had been done: Test case 1: Sending the push message with one content type of text format Test case 2: Sending the push message with a mixture of page sizes and content types format Test case 3: Sending the push message with a mixture of page sizes and content types format under a time limit Test case 4: Sending the push message with a mixture of page sizes and content types format with background traffic
14 Conclusion In conclusion, the PI has good performance in different cases but push performance is not as good as the PI. The push messages cannot be handled by the PPG as fast as the PI can send them. This gives the conclusion the performance of the PPG has a significant influence on the push service result.