UN-ESCWA ICT for Change * UN-ESCWA (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) works towards sustainable development and economic and social cooperation in the region, and better economic relations between 14 member countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, UAE and Yemen. ESCWA programme focuses on regional priority areas and issues, and operates through Divisions and Units: Zahr B OU -G HANEM ICT Policies, ICT Division, ESCWA Social Development Emerging & Conflict Related Issues Sustainable Development & Productivity Economic Development & Globalization Statistics ESCWA Centre for Women Information & Communications Technology Program Planning &Technical Cooperation Bridge the Digital Divide The ICT Division of ESCWA* aims to reduce the digital divide and develop an all-people inclusive and development oriented information society and knowledge-based economy in the ESCWA region. Work is according to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society and the international development goals. Towards the Knowledge Society Work is guided by to the regional transformation towards a knowledge-based society that is competitive at the global level, and has more employment opportunities, less poverty and better quality of life through the use of ICTs and their applications. Activities Tasks include studies, meetings and field projects, together with advisory services. Efforts try to enhance capabilities in using ICTs for development through support on the development of ICT policies, infrastructure, and applications, and raising awareness on the potentials of ICTs in promoting sustainable development and enabling the region's integration into the global economy. Approach seeks partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders on ICT for development and the establishment of a sustainable ICT sector in the ESCWA region. NOW Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders in the ESCWA Region Internet Governance: Establishment of Arabic Domain Names System, Arab Top Level Domain ".arab" and its equivalent in Arabic Cyber Legislation o Regional Harmonization of Cyber Legislation to Promote the Knowledge Society in the Arab World ESCWA Technology Centre o Officially established in 2011 in Jordan, with a Board of Governors from 10 member countries Publications o Regional Profile of the Information Society in Western Asia o Promoting the ICT sector to Meet the Challenges of the Knowledge Economy o Information Society Measurement: Building a Common Benchmarking Model for the ESCWA Region NEXT Meeting of the ESCWA Consultative Committee on Scientific and Technological Development and Technological Innovation Internet Governance: o Establishment of the Arab IG Forum ESCWA Technology Centre, studies underway o Customize an Innovation Intellectual Property Creative System o Economic Model for Technology Deployment in the Various Productive Sectors o Financing Technology Transfer and Innovation Advice roadmap and support guide Publications o Regional Competitiveness of the ICT Sector in the ESCWA member countries o Impact of Selected e-Services on Socioeconomic Development Growth of the ESCWA region in ICTs, Source: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2011/4