Arabs in Prophecy
I s r a e l Nahor Lot Abraham Ishmael Isaac 6 Sons Esau Jacob 12 Sons Gen. 24:10 Gen. 19:37-38 Lot Abraham Aram Syria Moab/Ammon No. Jordan Hagar S a r a h Keturah Ishmael Isaac 6 Sons Married an Egyptian Rebekah Zimran Jokshan Medan Midian Ishbak Shuah Algeria Samili Bahrain Sudan Iraq Tunisia Kuwait Qatar Libya Yemen Mauritania Morocco Oman Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Esau Jacob (also called Edom) (also called Israel) Married daughter of Ishmael 12 Sons Iran Iraq Edomites So. Jordan The Jews (Israel)
Arabs in Prophecy Muslim? • Indonesia is an Islamic nation They are Malays, not Arabs. • Iran is an Islamic nation They are Persian, not Arabs. They speak Farsi, not Arabic • Egypt is an Islamic nation, technically speaking
Arabs in Prophecy Egyptian Connection? • Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, was Egyptian (Gen. 16:3) • Ishmael married an Egyptian woman (Gen. 21:21) • Esau married an Egyptian daughter of Ishmael (Gen. 28:6-9) • Joseph married Asenath, and Egyptian, while he was in Egypt. • Both Ephraim and Manasseh are partly Egyptian.
Arabs in Prophecy God’s Promises 1. He would bless him and make him fruitful. • 21 nations • 175 million people • 5.3 million square miles • Rich in oil. 41 to 1 population ratio over Israel 662 to 1 land ratio over Israel