Information management updates NCCs and IMOs Annual meeting 15 September 2014 Rome, Italy.


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Presentation transcript:

Information management updates NCCs and IMOs Annual meeting 15 September 2014 Rome, Italy

Overview Overview of the Information management framework Key GNC support for IM based on 3 year strategy and year workplan Review of the draft IM toolkit contents Discussion on Dashboard Information and mapping templates Update on GNC indicators registry and discussion on use of registry by countries Examples of IM training packages and essential components of the Training package HR.Info updates and support needed

Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Information Management Framework

GNC IM activities planned Finalise and endorse the GNC IM/KM strategy Develop, review and disseminate GNC IM Toolkit, including guidance on its use Translate IM toolkit into French (and Arabic) languages Finalise the Nutrition Cluster indicator bank (via NATF Humanitarian Indicator Registry project) including development of brief guidance on respective assessment methodologies, analysis framework and how to report indicators at country level. Develop IM training package

GNC IM toolkit: what we have Cluster Performance Monitoring tool Meeting management templates 3/4W templates Reporting tools (reporting templates and database) Assessments registry Bulletin template Website guidance (generic)

GNC IM toolkit: what we plan Update existing tools Develop: M&E framework template Infographics templates and tools Capacity mapping tools and templates (dashboards, maps, other visuals) Contact management tools and templates Caseload calculation tool

Discussion What is missing from the toolkit?

Discussion What information needs to be reflected in Dashboards? Nutrition Cluster SRP? Progress towards SRP targets? 3W dashboard? Management of Acute Malnutrition (SAM, MAM, BSFP) IYCF response? MN response?

Discussion What are the key maps for which templates have to be developed? Operational presence maps (per programme area and total)? Assessment results maps? Planned/conducted assessment maps? Achievements maps (new admissions, etc.)?

Nutrition Indicators Registry Needs assessment indicators Capacity mapping indicators (to be developed) System performance indicators – Acute malnutrition and micronutrients – developed – IYCF – to be developed Include baseline, process, output and outcome indicators

Indicators registry

Discussion Has the Indicators Registry been used? What are the challenges?

Examples of IM Training Packages To be arranged around the Humanitarian Programme Cycles and toolkit, e.g. the IM package being developed for Standby partners 5 days training Focused around the toolkit, e.g. Protection cluster 2-3 days Training

Discussion What other aspect of IM would you recommends to be considered and included in the training package? Skills enhancement training on Excel, Databases, MS Publisher, website management, introduction to mapping ????

Discussion How would you like to be involved in the training package development?

IM updates from OCHA: 2.0 is migrating to the version 2.0 – Released in March Planned to migrate all sites by December 2014 – Migrated: DRC, CAR, Somalia, Ethiopia and Philippines. – Nigeria, oPt and Iraq were launched on HR2.0 since June – Big advantage: you will be able to search information cross-sites 2.0 overview

Discussion What support is needed for website development and management on the new platform?