Climate policy Breda Towards new climate policy
Framework Evaluation of four years of climate policy Current energy situation Potentials for energy efficiency and renewables National objectives Recommendations for new policy
Climate policy, current situation 4 years of climate policy implementation Active and frontrunning climate policy Energy conservation in households SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION COUNTER Driving new style Pilot biodiesel Sustainable entrepreneurship firms Heat pumps Nieuw Wolfslaar Energy agreements Heuvel
Current energy situation Breda Consumption residential buildings Breda Natural Gas [m3] Electricity [kWh} Reduction compared to the Netherlands7%5% 19% of the dwellings is connected to the heat network
Potential for energy efficiency
Potential for renewable energy Potential 7,5 % Especially in the residential and commercial sectors Solar energy and biomass offer the largest potential
Potentials versus the national objectives 2% yearly improvement of energy efficiency Achievable when Breda realizes her efficiency potential in 7 years 20% renewable energy in the year 2020 Breda has a potential of 7,5% 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2020 Breda can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 21% Breda: aim at national objectives
Recommendations for new policy (1) Housing transition: until -80% CO2 Newly constructed buildings: o.a. biomass plant Teteringen, energy neutral Existing buildings: -Thorough maintenance / renovation Projects+Agreements with housing associations -Owner-occupied dwellings Advice + offer measures + financing - Promote energy saving behaviour i.c.w. utilities / fitting contractors
Recommendations for new policy (2) Reinforce and promote energy efficiency and renewables within firms: Expand sustainable enterprises, -15% CO2 Transport management Educate and incentivize SME’s
Recommendations for new policy (3) The municipality initiates legal requirements and sets a good example: Energy conserving public lighting Energy management Demonstration installations renewable energy Purchase green energy
Recommendations for new policy (4) Exploit the potential of renewable energy Solar energy Biomass Heat pumps
Potentials that require further research The potential of renewable energy options: co-firing biodiesel for the heat network energy farming, deep heat / cold storage Production processes in companies Urban traffic and transport