“Family Matters” “For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free – and we were all given one Spirit to drink” 1 Cor. 12:13
These are the brave. These are the faithful who look into the face of evil through the eyes of Christ. These are our brothers and sisters... our family.
Continually Harassed and Detained... Continually Shares! Pastor Bike Chinese House Church Alliance Leader
Paul Turned to Christ Then Deserted by Wife and Son Now a Nigerian Pastor, Bringing Jesus to the Enemy Camp
Christians in North Korea Risk their Lives to Worship Jesus!
Amiel Ortiz Victim of Bomb Attack on His Christian Family’s Home In the West Bank
Christians Deliver Bibles to Remote Areas of China
Defender of Christians Abducted Feb. 4, 2009 by Police and Tortured Released March 28, 2010 Gao Zhisheng with His Family Chinese Christian Attorney Disappeared Again April 28 and being Held Incommunicado
Yubis, of Columbia Husband Martyred for His Faith Training to be Evangelist to Witness to His Killers
Alimujiang Yimiti Sentenced to 15 Years In Prison for Sharing His Faith in China Wife Guli and Sons Wait for His Release
Pastor Hua Huiqi Beaten and Imprisoned by Beijing Police
Shuang Shuying Hua Huiqi’s Mom Served Two Years on False Charges Dying Husband Lived Until Day After Her Release
Believers Having “Church” Secretly in Iran
Alex and Ishmael Now Sit as Brothers in Christ Guerilla Commander and the Christian Commander He tried to Kill
Luz Husband Killed by Columbian Terrorists Continues to Praise the Lord.
Pastor Stephen Mir Beaten and Shot in Face for Starting a Church With Rebuilt Mouth Continues Proclaiming the Gospel
Pastor Steven Khoury and wife, Shari Pastor of Calvary Church, Jerusalem and First Baptist Church, Bethlehem Church Firebombed 14 Times Church Members Martyred
In the Midst of Threats A Joyous Viet Nam Baptism!
Jesus Christ He Gave Everything
For Them...
For us...
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1)
That makes us “family”...
And Family Matters!