T HE A WARENESS O F R ECYCLING W ASTE Adrienne, Rosie, Gita and Grace
I NTRODUCTION This week the grade 8s are on an internal integrated program. Our topic is ‘sustainable energy’. We had to make a survey on a subtopic. Our group chose the awareness of recycling waste. Here are our results of the survey:
Q UESTION 1 Do you believe recycling is necessary? Answer: Yes
Q UESTION 2 What day must you bring your recycling to school? Answer: Wednesday
Q UESTION 3 Which company takes care of the recycling at St. Cyprian’s? Answer: Oasis
Q UESTION 4 How do you know which plastics are recyclable? Answer: It tells you on the plastic.
Q UESTION 5 How can you recycle your food waste ? Answer : Composting
Q UESTION 6 Do you think recycling paper saves energy? Answer : Yes
Q UESTION 7 Where does the wastage, that we don’t recycle, go? Answer: Landfills
Q UESTION 8 Can all cardboards and papers be recycled? Answer: Yes
Q UESTION 9 Name a disadvantage of your waste sitting in a landfill. Answer: Pollution/Takes up space/Germs/Smell
Q UESTION 10 How many times can glass be recycled? Answer: Unlimited times
S UMMARY : The majority of the people in our school community are aware of the significance of recycling.
D ID Y OU K NOW ? Every Sunday, more than 500,000 trees are used to produce the 88% of newspapers that are never recycled! North Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour! Every year some 45,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the world's oceans! One million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine animals are killed each year by this plastic waste! Every year we dispose of 24 million tons of leaves and grass clippings, which could be composted to conserve landfill space.
Every year, Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks, and spoons to circle the equator 300 times. Every year, Americans use approximately 1 billion shopping bags, creating 300,000 tons of landfill waste, which could have been recycled!