The ultimate testament to Manifest Destiny!
Crazy Horse monument, Black Hills, SD
Custer was on sacred land that was given to the Native Americans General Custer and his 250 men were looking for gold in the Black Hills (S. Dakota) Sitting Bull and his 2,500 men surprised Custer
The Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1875
The “Ghost Dance” was a ritual that promised Native Americans immunization to bullets The Ritual scared white citizens and the government tried to stop it 300 Sioux men, women, and children dead
Ghost Dance
Yellow Bird
Big Foot
The Homestead Act gave farmers 160 Acres free land in the West 5 yr commitment Homesteaders believed that “The Rain will follow the Plow” Many lost crops due to weather and insects The absence of trees forced Homesteaders to build homes out of sod
The Promontory Spike was linked the two railroads in 1869 Promontory, Utah Chinese Immigrants Little Regard for safety Time Zones (1883)