Wednesday, 5/29 Please pick-up the “Killer Flu” worksheet. You can begin working on it ASAP!
As the War Ended... Spanish Influenza Epidemic! Most deadly for yr. olds Eventually killed million worldwide (think about the number of deaths caused by WWI)
Philadelphia – October 1918
Emergency hospital at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, KS (1918)
Over 50 Thousand!
Mortality (Death) Rates from 1900 to 2000.
Tues., 5/28/13 Pick-up a “WWI Casualties and Deaths” worksheet on Mrs. Parker’s desk and answer the questions on the back.
Tuesday, 5/28 Now that the war is over, what should happen to the winners (Allies) and losers (Central Powers) of WWI?
Ending the War Wilson has an idea called the Fourteen Points Includes creation of a League of Nations (pre-United Nations) Goes to Europe to meet with other Allied leaders.
Thursday, 5/23 Please take out your note sheet from yesterday.
Wednesday 5/22 Look over your notes in preparation for a quick quiz. It is mostly on the start of WWI and trench warfare.
Closer - Wednesday, 5/22 Finish the packet of worksheets from Monday. They will be collected on Thursday, 5/23 with the video questions.
Tuesday, 5/21 1.Drop-off your Postcard/Soldier Slang from yesterday. 2.Pick-up a worksheet in the bin. 3.Read and answer the questions on the back. 4.If you finish early, work on the worksheet packet from yesterday. Should the USA join World War I?
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Remarque – author of book Paul Baumer – narrator, about 18 and recent graduate Franz Kemmerich – fellow school student Stanislaus Katczinsky – “Kat” in question #3. He is their platoon leader. Corporal Himmelstoess – “By the book soldier” who trains Paul and others. Teased by the boys before the war
Closer Tuesday, 5/21 Finish the packet of worksheets from Monday.
Monday, 5/20 Pick-up a worksheet packet. Read and answer the first two pages about “Trench Warfare” and “Poison Gas”
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Remarque – author of book Paul Baumer – narrator, about 18 and recent graduate Franz Kemmerich – fellow school student Stanislaus Katczinsky – “Kat” in question #3. He is their platoon leader. Corporal Himmelstoess – “By the book soldier” who trains Paul and others. Teased by the boys before the war
Closer - Monday, 5/20 Soldier Slang and Postcard Home! Follow the directions to complete. When finished, work on your WWI packet from the warm-up.
Fri., 5/17 – 1 st /3 rd Periods only Please pick-up The Trenches: Symbol of the Stalemate and read it silently. Is the movie accurate according to what you just read?
Friday 5/17 4 th Period Only Have a seat and await further instructions. Remember we are taking a drug and alcohol survey today for the Univ. of DE! To get ready for the survey!
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Remarque – author of book Paul Baumer – narrator, about 18 and recent graduate Franz Kemmerich – fellow school student Stanislaus Katczinsky – “Kat” in question #3. He is their platoon leader. Corporal Himmelstoess – “By the book soldier” who trains Paul and others. Teased by the boys before the war
Friday 5/17 Write Miss G a note of support or to give her advice as she graduates from college! To write Miss G a note of support!
Thursday, 5/16 In your opinion, which MAIN cause had the greatest impact regarding WWI? Explain!
Turkey is also known as The Ottoman Empire Europe Pre-War (1914)
4 Main Causes of WWI M.A.I.N. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
1914 – 1918 The Great War
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Remarque – author of book Paul Baumer – narrator, about 18 and recent graduate Franz Kemmerich – fellow school student Stanislaus Katczinsky – “Kat” in question #3. He is their platoon leader. Corporal Himmelstoess – “By the book soldier” who trains Paul and others. Teased by the boys before the war
Closer – Thurs., 5/16 – 3 rd /4 th Periods Only After watching the clip from All Quiet on the Western Front, describe how your five senses would be engaged: What would you expect to hear? What would you expect to see? What would you expect to smell? What would you expect to taste? What would you expect to feel/touch?
Wednesday, 5/15 List what you already know (or think you know) about World War I on your new warm-up/closer sheet. Answer - How might this war be the same and/or different from previous wars you have studied?
Closer – Wed., 5/15 Note the following on your Closer page: 3 Things you have learned about the lead-up to World War I 2 Things you still do not understand about the lead- up to World War I 1 Thing that you already knew about World War I
What do you think the proverb means? What was the “stick” used by Roosevelt? Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was called the Big Stick Policy because it referred to an old African proverb he was fond of - “speak softly, and carry a big stick and you will go far” Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was called the Big Stick Policy because it referred to an old African proverb he was fond of - “speak softly, and carry a big stick and you will go far” Mon., 5/13