Skylark Term 1 Autumn 2011 Physical Development We will be focusing our learning in these areas: Games - Developing our skills of performance, speed, accuracy, with specific focus on invasion games, including tag rugby Gymnastics – Developing our performance of gymnastic actions at different levels, speeds and directions; developing sequences and using props. Learning dances from World War Two Knowledge & Understanding of the World We will be studying what life was like for evacuees during World War Two, including: A trip to ‘Steam’ in Swindon, for an evacuee experience Finding out about the Blitz Learning about rationing and creating our own recipes Finding out about life in our local area during the war and the experiences of those around us Hosting a coffee morning to share experiences and memories of WW2 evacuation Learning WW2 songs Planting and cultivating a dig for victory garden in our school garden Our science this term is a study of Forces, including: Friction and air resistance Pushes and pulls and directions of forces Magnetism Gravity Planning investigations Thinking scientifically Working with evidence In ICT, we will be developing a variety of skills, including animation and how to create a multimedia presentation. Communication, Literacy and Language We will be focusing our literacy skills on our Evacuee topic, including: Imagery in poetry Writing a report of our visit to Steam Argument texts A study of the text ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ PLEASE make sure your child is a member of the town library – we will be visiting soon and it will be an important part of Y6 homework to be able to do some research – and there are lots of fantastic fiction books too!!! Creative Development Through our Evacuee topic, we will be learning WW2 dances and songs We will be creating a peace tapestry We will be researching people’s experiences of evacuation, including hosting a coffee morning PSE Development (Personal and Social Emotional) SEAL unit – New Beginnings (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning) Develop skills of collaboration Understanding and managing feelings, including those of others Problem solving and making choices Discussion through circle time In RE we will be reflecting on our own beliefs and values, through the story of ‘I am David’ - including what makes us afraid, what we believe about God and what makes us special. Learning Developing lifelong learning skills is central to all that we do. This term we will be focusing on: Identifying the skills we need to learn and setting personal learning goals for term 1 Creating a learning community in our class, including taking responsibility for our own learning Knowing how we learn and ways to improve our learning How to be a great learning partner Mathematical development We will be focusing on the following learning: Learning tables Developing thinking skills Calculations - Lots of practical maths, involving use of multiplication, division, subtraction and addition methods How to solve problems Deciding on what steps are needed in any problem solving situation Real life maths Using spreadsheets and handling data to manage our paper making business