The Public, Wildlife Management and Law Enforcement Presented to the Pennsylvania Game Commission June 25 th, 2001 Mark Damian Duda Responsive Management
Responsive Management, 2001
Public Priorities
Responsive Management, 2001 Ecological Values are More Important than Recreational Values Top Priorities: Water Resources Endangered Species Education Habitat Protection Law Enforcement
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Cultural Carrying Capacity
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Public Opinion on Consumptive Wildlife-Related Recreation
Responsive Management, 2001
GroupPercent Hunter99 Angler87 Male94 Rural residents83 Grew up in rural environment80 High school graduate78 Did not complete high school77 Married77 $20,000 - $39, – 54 years old76 White76 $40,000 - $59, or older75 55 – 64 years old75 College graduate74 $60,000 - $79,99974 Disabled74 Member of wildlife organization73 Americans’ Opinions of Hunting by Demographic Variables. Percent of (demographic group) that approve of legal hunting. GroupPercent 35 – 44 years old73 25 – 34 years old73 Small city/town residents73 $10,000 - $19,99971 $80,000 or more69 Post graduate education68 Some college/trade school68 Non-hunter67 Single/divorced/widowed67 Raised in single-parent household67 Suburban residents67 Have moved residence > 100 miles w/in past 2 years67 Urban residents65 Female63 Non-angler61 18 – 24 years old61 Less than $10,00060 Minority58
Interest in Outdoor Recreation Varies dramatically by demographic group
Responsive Management, 2001
The Changing Face of Outdoor Recreation
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Conflicts and Interference among Recreation Groups
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Attitudes Toward Wildlife Viewing
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Fish and Wildlife Laws and Law Enforcement
Responsive Management, 2001 Contact with Fish and Wildlife/Conservation Officers
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Attitudes Toward Fish and Wildlife/Conservation Officers
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Opinions on Fish and Wildlife Laws
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Other Critical Law Enforcement Issues
Responsive Management, 2001
Colorado Law Enforcement: A Case Study
Responsive Management, 2001 Methodology Telephone Survey Randomly selected: –Colorado Residents (N=405) –Resident Licensed Hunters (N=210) –Resident Licensed Anglers (N=205) Sampling Error at 95% Confidence Intervals –Colorado Residents (+/- 5%) –Resident Licensed Hunters (+/- 7%) –Resident Licensed Anglers (+/- 7%) Those interviewed closely matched the geographic and demographic distribution of Colorado’s population
Responsive Management, 2001
Major Findings 1.Colorado hunters, anglers and residents felt that the Division was doing a good to excellent job enforcing the wildlife laws of the state. 2.Colorado Wildlife Officers performed their duties in a professional manner. 3.Penalties for breaking wildlife laws in Colorado were about right to too low. 4.Colorado residents wanted more law enforcement efforts overall. 5.Colorado hunters, anglers and residents who had contact with an Officer, stated that the Officer they came in contact with was professional, courteous, knowledgeable and fair.
Responsive Management, 2001 On the other hand… 1.Colorado hunters, anglers and residents stated that there were a lot of wildlife laws being broken and that these laws were being broken consciously. 2.Most of the people who felt there were a lot of laws being violated believed that the law being broken most often was harvest-related. 3.Overall, Colorado hunters, anglers and residents believed that violators of wildlife laws were seldom or never caught. 4.Although many hunters and anglers had heard of Operation Game Thief (OGT), and many hunters and anglers had observed a wildlife violation, few of them had ever called OGT to report a violation.
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Wyoming Law Enforcement
Responsive Management, 2001