PHYSICAL ABILITY Motor skills: manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, reaction time Fitness: strength, stamina
MEASURING PERSONALITY Projective tests: Test which use ambiguous stimuli to measure personality. Objective tests: Inventories or questionnaires used to measure personality. These are scored by an objective key so there is no room for interpretation to answers
PERSONALITY A relatively stable And unique Pattern of behavior, thoughts & emotions Shown by an individual
THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS Conscientiousness Organized, self- disciplined, responsible Disorganized, undisciplined, irresponsible
BIG FIVE CONT’D Extroversion - introversion Sociable, talkative, active Sober, quiet, reserved
BIG FIVE CONT’D Agreeableness Good-natured, gentle, cooperative, forgiving Cantankerous, irritable, uncooperative
BIG FIVE CON’T Emotional stability Calm. enthusiastic, secure Anxious, depressed, angry, insecure
BIG FIVE CON’T. Openness to experience Imaginative, creative, sensitive Insensitive, narrow, unimaginative
Other Selection Tests Interest & preference inventories Work simulations Graphology Integrity tests Propensity for violence Drug screening Fitness for work
Interview Problems Reliability & validity Perceptual errors –Similarity –Contrast –Overweighing negative information –First impression –Non verbal behavior –Selective listening & faulty memory
Making Interviews Effective Provide interviewer with detailed information about the job from job analysis Train interviewers Use structured interviews Standardize interviewer evaluation forms Take notes
Managerial Selection Assessment Center: process which uses content valid work samples of the managerial job Tasks:leaderless discussion group, in-basket tests, business games, and interviews Assessment centers predict short and long term success in management positions. They are valid across gender and race. The problem is the cost of using assessment centers
Issues in Selection Evaluating techniques: Validity, Utility, Legality Selection decisions: Number of applicant, reliability of selectors, criteria for success Selection and the bottom line: Productivity, supervision, absenteeism, turnover, accidents, negligent hiring
Backwards & Forwards Summing up: We continued our look at selection devices: physical ability tests, personality test, work simulations, integrity tests, drug screening, fitness to work, and interviews. The assessment center for managerial selection was explored and finally some issues in selection were discussed. Looking ahead: Next time we turn to the topic of training in the workplace.