Academic Success Strategies at Pulaski Technical College Presented to Remediation ISP and End-of-Course/ACT ISP Thursday, September 9, 2010 / 9:30 a.m. / Room 138 / State Capitol
Our College Became a comprehensive two-year college in 1991 Governed by a 7-member (appointed) board of trustees Fall 2010 (unofficial) enrollment - 11, associate degrees and certificates Achieving the Dream institution
Our Mission Pulaski Technical College is a comprehensive two-year college that serves the educational needs of central Arkansas through technical programs, a university-transfer program and specialized programs for business and industry. The college’s mission is to provide access to high- quality education that promotes student learning, to enable individuals to develop to their fullest potential and to support the economic development of the state.
Our Students Who they are Where they are from Diversity Average age Special populations Financial aid statistics
Our Developmental Education Students Spring 2010 total enrollment = 11,167 31% of students taking 1 or more developmental class Fall 2010 (unofficial) enrollment = 11,213 32% of students taking 1 or more developmental class Fall High School Graduates 65% of these students taking 1 or more developmental class
Our Academic Success Initiatives ACT/COMPASS math placement score revisions: Why? Correct placement Students were being placed 1 to 2 levels above where they needed to be All students originally were placed in Elementary Algebra, with the option of going lower Example: COMPASS Course Placements Service Report dated January 3, 2008: 936 students enrolled in Elementary Algebra, 410 students had COMPASS scores between 1-17 and 174 (37%) students made a grade of C or better. Of the 936 students, 326 students had a COMPASS score between 18 – 22 and 166 students (51%) made a grade of C or better. Of the 936 students, 116 students had a COMPASS score between 23 – 29 and 59 students (51%) made a grade of C or better. Increase the probability of student success in Developmental Mathematics and College Algebra
ACT/COMPASS placement score revisions: How? COMPASS Course Placement Service Report was used to study our course placement systems. The placement group was identified as all first-time entering freshmen for fall 2005 to spring Compared COMPASS/ACT scores with Achieving the Dream colleges, Arkansas two-year colleges and local 4-year institutions Analyzed the COMPASS scores of students making a grade of C or better Used COMPASS Algebra Math Concordance Table Used COMPASS default cut scores
Curriculum Changes Developmental Mathematics’ communication with College Mathematics o What are we doing right? o What can we do to prepare students for College Algebra? o Are the objectives for each course appropriate? Course Management System o How do students learn math? o How do we motivate students?
Currently Researching Best Practices Supplemental Instruction Hybrid Courses – Mini Math Emporium (Pilot Fall 2010) LinC – Learning Communities
The Network for Student Success Case management Advising Building relationships Marginalized students High-risk students Color coding
The Network for Student Success Incentive Programs Trips Study groups / teamwork Academic culture Workshops Campus Engagement
The Network for Student Success Academic Initiatives College Seminar for marginalized students Developmental education LinC (Learning Community) Academic / trade LinC Summer bridge program Academic workshops