Bell Ringer #12 (3/22 & 4/2) Get vocab graphic organizer out for a homework check What is the Cold War? List one vocab term that you learned and the definition.
Learning Goals Describe how treaties/agreements at the end of WWII changed national boundaries and created multinational organizations Analyze how the US and Soviet Union became superpowers and competed for global influence
Where we last left off… End of WWII Tensions start to rise Yalta Conference Germany and Berlin to be divided into four parts (spheres of influence) East Germany: Soviets West Germany: British, French, Americans Berlin divided in same way Soviets set up Communist governments
VOCAB CHECK: SATELLITE A smaller country that is economically or politically dependent on a more powerful nation. Cold War examples: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, E. Germany
VOCAB CHECK: COLD WAR ( ) - decades following WWII Time of suspicion and hostility between communist & democratic nations Waged primarily by political/economic means rather than weapons
Cold War Begins Two countries rise from WWII as “superpowers” Two Superpowers US (capitalism) USSR (Communism) – Stalin
VOCAB CHECK: SUPERPOWER A state with a dominant position in the international arena State has the ability to influence events to its own benefit and can project power on a worldwide scale to protect its interests
Two Superpowers Soviet Goals Protect from W. Threats Set up a buffer zone Demanded Germany be divided into two U.S. Goals Wanted democratic governments Prevent spread of Communism Wanted a unified Germany (that would be friendly to west)
Cold War Begins Cont.. Two countries rise from WWII as “superpowers” Two Superpowers US (capitalism) USSR (Communism) - Stalin Clash of ideologies Not a “Hot War” -- no military conflict Iron Curtain
VOCAB CHECK : IRON CURTAIN Imaginary line/boundary separating the Communist nations of E. Europe from the mostly democratic nations of W. Europe
VOCAB CHECK : MARSHALL PLAN U.S. program of economic aid to European countries to help them rebuild after WWII
VOCAB CHECK : TRUMAN DOCTRINE U.S. President Harry Truman’s policy Gave economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal/external opponents (communists)
VOCAB CHECK : CONTAINMENT Policy outlined in Truman Doctrine Stated the U.S. must stop the spread of communism, as it was a threat to democracy Aimed to create alliances and help weak countries to resist Soviet advances
Tense brow: upset at poker losses in past (WWI & WWII) Communist Symbol Ace up sleeve: atomic bomb Soviet UnionUnited States Capitalism Ace up sleeve: atomic bomb Cold War World Berlin Airlift Berlin Blockade Berlin
During the Cold War ( ), the United States and the Soviet Union were reluctant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of A.the peacekeeping role of the United Nation. B.pressure from nonaligned nations. C.the potential for global nuclear destruction. D.increased tensions in the Middle East.
Which statement best describes most Eastern European countries immediately after World War II? They A. adopted democratic reforms in their political systems. B. became satellite states of the Soviet Union. C. became dependent on aid provided by the Marshall Plan. D. emerged as world economic powers.
THE BUTTER BATTLE BOOK 1984 Parable Nuclear Weapons, Arms Race