A Collaboration is durable and pervasive relationship across diverse parties that develops a commitment to a common mission and a focus on system change. A Collaboration uses pooled resources and shared products. Taylor-Powell and Rossing (1998)
ABLE TRANSITIONS COLLABORATIVE Stackable Certificates Ohio Skills Bank
Increase the number of adults accessing postsecondary education and training; Support the capacity of ABLE programs to better serve adults with postsecondary and employment goals through training and resource development;
Align education systems, policies and processes to optimize implementation and institutionalization of career pathways; and Begin implementation of a Stackable Certificate Program through the issuance of pre-college and industry recognized certificates.
Developed resources-web-based and print Implemented contextual curriculum Provided transition experiences Deepen instruction in math, technology and writing Worked on work-readiness skills
GREAT NEWS! Over 70 % noted that their instructors had talked with them about post-secondary options. Over 90 % reported plans to continue their education after ABLE.
More than half indicated that ABLE helped prepare them for set educational goals, explore careers and learn about work options. 40% indicated that they had taken either a job skills assessment or a career interest inventory or both. 28% were interested in nursing or allied health.
GOOD NEWS!! 65% acknowledged that the job or career they were interested in required education/training beyond the GED. NOT SO GOOD NEWS!! 11 % didn’t know and 19 % didn’t answer the question.
One in five of the students surveyed had applied to a post secondary program. 35% had been accepted by a vocational, technical or trade school. 20% had been accepted by a 2- year or community college. 6% had been accepted by a 4-year college/university.
SUCCESS! CULTURAL SHIFT AMONG ABLE LEADERSHIP, STAFF AND STUDENTS See themselves as a part of a region See themselves as a part of a larger system See themselves as integral partners in helping their students prepare for further education.
Most Collaboratives made significant progress in further developing a shared vision and goals in year two and describe this effort as resulting in strengthened relationships, increased mutual support and reduced competition among ABLE members.
ABLE programs substantially strengthened their relationships with postsecondary institutions, economic development partners and workforce development groups.
THE BIG ONE! Students increasingly recognize obtaining a GED is not the ultimate goal, but rather one step on the path to adult education.
Students increasingly recognize obtaining a GED is not the ultimate goal. Students received more information about concrete steps; what programs are available, what are the requirements. ABLE courses redesigned to mimic college courses, complete with syllabus and homework. Recognition of the need for higher level language and math courses.
Students learned new job-seeking skills; Finding employment opportunities on line Creating a resume Writing a cover letter Practice interviewing. Focus on workplace “soft” skills- professional dress, punctuality and workplace etiquette.
Utilize a committee structure to engage all members in the planning and development process. Engage every member in the review and evaluation of proposed materials. Involve instructors in the development of project activities to increase early adoption.
Develop strong partnerships with institutions of higher education and involve them in project activities. Provide comprehensive postsecondary education and career pathways programming in existing class structure. When possible, plan for early implementation with ongoing assessment to revise and improve the delivery of programs.
Two people can keep each other sane, can give support, conviction, love, massage, hope, sex. Three people are a delegation, a committee, a wedge. With four you can play bridge and start an organization. With six you can rent a whole house, eat pie for dinner with no seconds, and hold a fund raising party.
A dozen make a demonstration. A hundred fill a hall. A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter; ten thousand, power and your own paper; a hundred thousand, your own media; ten million, your own country. It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do it again after they said no, it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you mean one more.
Lesli K. Johnson Robin Lindquist-Grantz Aimee Collins Judy Coil Nicole Yandell For more information please call or your request to: