April 23, 2015, Opatija RETHINKING TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION IN THE GLOBAL WORLD Vera Boronenko, Vladimirs Mensikovs, Alina Ohotina Daugavpils University, Latvia The presentation is worked out with support of the Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND program - NEWFELPRO (The new International Fellowship Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia) within the project «Rethinking Territory Development in Global Comparative Researches (Rethink Development)», Grant Agreement No. 10 (scientist in charge – Dr. Sasa Drezgic)
Main feature of modern integration in the global world ON THE ONE HAND: the simultaneous functioning of many growth poles in the global economic space ON THE OTHER HAND: the enhancement of the interconnection of this space notwithstanding the existing dramatic gap in the socio-economic development of the territories Source: Human Development Report The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World
“Interconnection of differences”
Scientific problem In the scientific literature on economics it is possible to find the suggestions on “the global economic order” or “global economic system” as opposed to the views that the modern world is a set of “world-economies” according to F.Braudel
World’s economy vs. “World-economy” World’s economy – economic system of the whole world and of the whole mankind, “the market of the whole world” (Zh.Sismondi) “World-economy” – economically independent part of the globe, which in general is able to be self-sufficient; those one, which organic unity is based on its internal linkages and interchanges
3 characteristics of a “world-economy” 1)a “world-economy” covers definite geographic space with natural, economic, cultural or mental borders 2) a “world-economy” has some center – capitalist city or country; this center is not stable in long-term period 3) a “world-economy” has horizontal (spatial) and vertical (social) hierarchy
Essence of relations between “worlds-economies” It is the trade with jewels, not with goods, which are vitally necessary for related “worlds-economies” So, economic self-sufficiency is the main characteristics of a “world-economy” Nowadays it would be useful to deal with “worlds-economies” on mezo-level (regional level) as sub-units of the capitalist “world- economy”
Northern-atlantic “world-economy” Iceland, USA, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway All these countries belong to the cluster of “leaders without growth capacity” It looks like senior, who is rich, experienced and still very capable, but old enough and with low development capacity (vice versa to his grandchildren)
ICELAND (average GCI growth =-0,06)
CANADA (average GCI growth =-0,01)
UNITED STATES (average GCI growth =-0,03)
UNITED KINGDOM (average GCI growth =-0,01)
NETHERLANDS (average GCI growth =+0,01)
DENMARK (average GCI growth =-0,04)
NORWAY (average GCI growth =0)
SWEDEN (average GCI growth =-0,01)
FINLAND (average GCI growth =-0,02)
South-eastern asian “world-economy” Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, China, Qatar All these countries (excl. Singapor) belong to the clusters with high growth capacity One of the reason of its development success could be close interconnection with another growing “world-economy” – “oil-muslim world-economy”
CAMBODIA (average GCI growth =+0,07)
THAILAND (average GCI growth =+0,01)
SINGAPORE (average GCI growth =0)
MALAYSIA (average GCI growth =+0,01)
CHINA (average GCI growth =+0,06)
VIETNAM (average GCI growth =+0,03)
QATAR (average GCI growth =+0,09)
“Cultural” explanation It seems that modern “world-economies” on mezo- level have in general religious/mental determinative framework, it means – more or less common “culture of production and economic activity” Northern-atlantic “world-economy” has more or less common mental background of Lutheranism South-eastern asian “world-economy” has more or less common mental background of Buddhism
Explanation for “world-economies” by social infrastructure The primary, fundamental determinant of a country’s long-run economic performance is its social infrastructure, i.e. institutions and government policies Social infrastructure gives incentives for productive activities or predatory behavior Workers choose between production and diversion Hall R.E., Jones Ch.I. (1998) Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Worker than Others? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114,
Pluralistic paradigm of territory development vs. evolutionary one Pluralistic (qualitative) paradigm argues that there are many types (qualities) of territory development in the global world, many self-reliant “developments”, not a single quantitative path of development as it is within evolutionary (quantitative) paradigm
GDP per capita and life expectancy at birth, 114 countries
Adults aged >20 years who are obese, %, 2008 (WHO Statistics)
Questions arising... Is it possible to consider high economic development of a country, if people there have no more health, education, satisfaction with life in comparison with so called “developing” or “underdeveloped” countries? Is it time to shift the focus from how much the economy produces, to what it produces, for whom and why (corporatism), that is, to replace the evolutionary (quantitative) paradigm of territory development by pluralistic (qualitative) one?
Conclusion-hypothesis of this research Following Human Development Report 2013 which argues that “the South needs the North, and increasingly the North needs the South” it could be suggested that one of the best source of further development for every country is interconnection with other “worlds-economies, i.e. diversity of development paths”
Development paths To increase resource consumption for improving material living standard To reclaim and recycle discarded materials To develop new designs for increasing durability of products made from scarce resources To encourage social and economic patterns that would satisfy the needs of a person minimizing irreplaceable substances he possesses and disperses
How to measure a state of territory development?
Questions for discussion How Croatian, Latvian and other economies use the potential of the global diversity of development paths? Do they interconnect with other “worlds-economies”? Why do Croatia, Latvia and other countries need economic growth? May be, they need more human development and integration based on other values?