Belgian BIF GBIF EU Nodes Meeting 7th March, Joensuu, Finland André Heughebaert
Content Projects originated data : Invasive Species (AlienAlert) Freshwater Species (BioFresh) Protected Species (Bio-GR) Others (more opportunistic approach) Regional monitoring data Belgian Ants Atlas, Congo River,...
Infrastructure Data publishing Belgian Data Portal(2009) Dedicated websites (taxonomy / occurrences) Current Research Info System (Belgium, Europe) Softwareinstancesresourcesrecords IPT BioCASe Tapir Digirphased outN.A.
Participation Animate Communities of Practice Invasive Alien Species Mapping & Assessment of Ecosystems & their services (MAES) Biodiversity & Public Health Involve new GBIF partners (contact group) Federal and Regional agencies, Institutes & Universities
Highlights & Bottlenecks Successful/promising side projects AlienAlert, AntaBIF, Bio-GR But, troubles to liberate budgets 5th Digit call (postponed) 2012 Annual Conference (cancelled)
Future Development Towards Platform renewal ? Lifewatch: federal contribution? (recurrent Research Framework Programme) axis 1:Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Life history axis 6: Collections Management BiodivERsA map Biodiversity funding landscape in Europe IPBES Biodiversity Knowledge (KNEU)
more info...
Kristina Articus Estelle Balian Angélique Berhault Dimitri Brosens Julien Cigar Bruno Danis Bram D’Hondt Hilde Eggermont André Heughebaert Hans Keune Nicolas Noé Sylvain Renaudier Hendrik Segers Sonia Vanderhoeven Anton Van de Putte Nabil Youdjou Questions?