“Internationalisation of national civil society policies” Donor Group on civil society and aid effectiveness Presentation 26 February 2010, Brussels
The road from Paris to Accra: Advisory Group on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness Recommendations: launch multi-stakeholder process Valuable to have donor group to learn and undertake common action (harmonisation)
Linked to Work Stream of WP-EFF (DAC) ◦ Austria ◦ Belgium ◦ Canada ◦ Denmark ◦ European Commission ◦ Finland ◦ Ireland ◦ Netherlands ◦ Norway ◦ Sweden ◦ Switzerland ◦ UK ◦ USA ◦ …(not exclusive)
Promote learning Undertake collaborative action Support and feed into the multi-stakeholder process Monitor progress on the two CSO proposals (Better Aid Platform and Open Forum)
How best to fund CSOs Roles of CSOs Supporting and measuring more strategic CSO programming Enabling environment
Collaborate with other donor initiatives (Nordic+, EC quadrilogue…) Use and build on recommendations of the AG-CS Work both formally and informally Work cost-effectivelly
Donor survey Joint evaluation Harmonisation of donor requirements Enabling environment
DGDC - Directorate General Development Cooperation