CONSEUR 1 ETUC Conference on REACH Brussels, March 2005 Position of TEST-ACHATS The Belgian consumers’ association Hugues Thibaut,
CONSEUR 2 Need to regulate Consumers exposed to multiplicity of chemicals → welcome Reach proposal
CONSEUR 3 Right assessment n Oppose a system based on volume of production → priority to hazardous chemicals → priority to hazardous chemicals (potential harmful effect) → priority to consumer articles → priority to consumer articles
CONSEUR 4 Authorization n Authorization for substances of high concern But : system is vague and not clear
CONSEUR 5 Substitution n Hazardous chemicals allowed → time-limited period → obligation to promote research for safer alternatives
CONSEUR 6 Exposure scenarios n Important to judge chemicals exposure → no consensus at E.U. level Exposure scenarios to be part of Reach
CONSEUR 7 Labelling n Good labeling crucial for consumers → informed choices n Warning symbols cover consumer articles n New warning symbol for hazardous chemicals with temporary authorization
CONSEUR 8 Enforcement n General Safety Product Directive deals with safety of consumers articles → direct reference to GSPD to ensure equal consumer protection