Analyses on the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans Assessments of the 1st NEAAPs and Challenges for the 2nd Round Dr. Ralf Schüle Wuppertal Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Analyses on the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans Assessments of the 1st NEAAPs and Challenges for the 2nd Round Dr. Ralf Schüle Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy 9th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 18 th November 2009 Parliament of Belgium

1 Overview Energy Efficiency Watch Project Context Energy Consumption in the EU and Policy Framework Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s) as Exercise and Indicator Policy Conclusions November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

2 Energy Efficiency Watch - Project Context  Project initiated and supported by more than 30 Parliamentarians from the European Parliament and National Parliaments  Co-ordinated by EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources  Core group:  Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy  ECOFYS  Upper-Austria Energy Agency  ECEEE  In co-operation with the energy efficiency related industry and NGOs (as supporting partners) November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

3 Final Energy Consumption and Baseline Projections (in ktoe) Source: PRIMES (2006) November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels Final Energy Consumption in the EU (in ktoe) Final Energy Consumption in Belgium (in ktoe)

4 Implementation Lag: Energy Efficiency Policy in the EU and the Role of the ESD Climate change mitigation policy: Absolute and mandatory cap (minus 20 %, maybe more) Revision of EU ETS until 2020 passed Effort Sharing Dec. until 2020 passed Renewable energy policy: Mandatory target (20% share) Breakdown for each MS until 2020 passed Energy efficiency policy: Indicative targets of 20% primary energy savings compared to projections by 2020 plus 9 % final energy savings by 2016 (ESD) EuP, EPBD, Labelling, ESD – all still in implementation process New energy efficiency action plan drafted 18 November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

5 12 May 2009PRASEG and EUFORES Seminar on NEEAPs Formal Requirements of the ESD  Energy Efficiency and Energy Service Directive (ESD) requires MS  to adopt target to achieve an overall national indicative reduction target in end-energy use of 9%... for the 9th year of application... ( )  to submit three Energy Efficiency Action Plans: 2007, 2011, 2014  Only a few formal requirements are given in the ESD:  Calculation of national indicative annual energy savings target adopted for 2016 and national intermediate indicative annual energy savings target adopted for 2010  Displaying energy efficiency improvement programmes, energy services, and other measures planned for achieving the target  Measures and strategies complying with the provisions on the exemplary role of the public sector, and the provision of information and advice on end energy efficiency on end users.  Space for interpretation:  Additionality (ESD vs. Action plan)?  Early Energy Savings prior to 2008?

6 Assessment of Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s)  Sources:  EC Assessment and EEW Evaluation of 27 Plans  Submission and target: Belgium submitted 4 plans (Federal Plan and 3 Regional Plan: Wallonian, Flemish, Brussels-Capital) Federal plan does not contain a 9% national energy savings target November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

7 Assessment of Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s)  Additional information provided in 4 EEAPs  Involvement of energy companies, retailers etc. only in Brussels and Flemish plan explicitly mentioned  Information on role of energy services and financing of measures is provided in all plans  Brussels and Wallonian plan remain intransparent about implementing additional measures  Federal and Flemish plan claim for early energy savings achieved prior to November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

8 Assessment of Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s)  Assessment (EC and EEW) (1): Diversity of Plans  Large heterogenity of four plans in terms of content and presentation  Scarcity of detailed information on measures displayed especially in the Federal and Wallonian plan  Relation between technical energy saving potentials, energy saving targets and measures implemented is not transparent  Incompatibility and incomparability of plans:  2016 target of Wallonian plan expressed in PE, Flemish target in FE  EEAP of Flanders and Wallonia apply conversion factor 1 for electricity, while EEAP of Brussels-Capital uses 2.5 for electricity  With the exception of the Flemish EEAP no plan does contain any estimates of expected energy savings.  However: Belgian plans draws attention on the relationship between, and integration of regional and federal acivities November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

9 Assessment of Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s)  Assessment (EC and EEW) (2): Packages of measures  Four EEAPs have good sectoral coverage with exception of agricultural sector  Example 1: Residential Building sector November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels Wallonian plan provides a „full“ package of measures: information campaigns, information centres and facilitators, trainings, labelling, thermal regulation, energetic standards up to subsidies Flemish plan contains REG (Rationeel Energie Gebruik)

10 Assessment of Belgian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan(s)  Example 2: Transport sector  Federal plan contains 11 measures (10 in place since 2007)  main target: modal shift  Focus of measures on information and tax incentives for companies and private commuters  however: transport sector main driver of expected increase of energy consumption,  Sector not adequately addressed  expected energy saving of improving transport infrastructures is ambivalent (example from Wallonia: new railway station at Gosselines airport)  Innovative elements (Flanders):  REG obligation  Audit covenant November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

11 Conclusions: Measuring Energy Savings  New Action Plan:  Mandatory efficiency targets  White Certificates Schemes (already in operation in UK-CERT, Italy, France, Denmark and !Flanders)  Energy Efficiency Fonds  Conclusions:  Harmonisation of NEEAPs (template) for 2011-process and Harmonisation of evaluation methods  Member States need support from the EC and partners in other MS to establishish capacities  Crucial issue: additionality/early energy savings  Recommendation (after EEW and EMEEES): twin targets for MS: 1. mandatory targets for energy consumption (to guarantee result) PLUS 2. indicative energy savings targets (to enable MS to demonstrate success of their efforts) November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brussels

Thank you for your attention! Dr. Ralf Schüle Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy ++49/(0)202/ Please see for details: (brochure for download)

13 Final Energy Consumption in selected MS in Mio t OE Source: EUROSTAT 18 November 20099th Interparliamentary Meeting, Brusels