The Global Fund and HMN Investing in country health systems Daniel Low-Beer, Geneva September 2006
Contents 1. Why the Global Fund model needs HMN? 2. Challenges in Discussion
The Global Fund Model Performance based funding –Active use of data at all stages –Strong incentives related to funding Investing in country systems –Nominal 5-10% of funds (US$ 100 million p.a.) –Can we jointly invest these funds? Limited mandate: needs to work through HMN –Disease initiatives: link to health systems
Global scope of grant funds in countries Financial StatusGrants signed US$ Money disbursed US$ Mean time elapsed in grants Mean funds disbursed Disbursed/ time Global Fund financing (US$), 15 th May billion2.26 billion69%64%93% Financing 333 grants in 127 countries Country owned funds: 3 diseases central to health systems
Funding follows demonstrated performance 75% of grants succeeding 21% show potential
Challenges in 2007 Investing in country data systems –Programmatic and impact data –Health systems and three diseases Implementing Joint Tools –Joint Partner M&E toolkit (includes HSS) –M&E self assessment checklist –5 year evaluation Flexibility in GF grant process?
Conclusion: the Global Fund needs HMN Does HMN need the Global Fund ? –Making M&E investments materialise What can we show by the end of 2007? –M&E checklist and costed plans –Concrete areas of work